Ichigo Kurosaki is a rather normal high school student apart from the fact he has the ability to see ghosts. This ability never impacted his life in a major way until the day he encounters the Shinigami Kuchiki Rukia, who saves him and his family's lives from a Hollow, a corrupt spirit that devours human souls. Wounded during the fight against the Hollow, Rukia chooses the only option available to defeat the monster and passes her Shinigami powers to Ichigo. Now forced to act as a substitute until Rukia recovers, Ichigo hunts down the Hollows that plague his town.
Choujirou Tadaoki-Sasakibe
He is the lieutenant (Vice-Captain) of the 1st Division. He is the least seen of all the lieutenants. During scenes of Head Captain Yamamoto in his office, Sasakibe acts more like a secretary and door guard than a lieutenant. In omake scenes, he is shown to have a penchant for tea. (Source: Bleach Wikia)
Renji Abarai
Birthday: August 31 Zodiac: Virgo Gender: Male Race: Shinigami Height: 187.96 cm Weight: 78.17 kg Title: Lieutenant of 6th Division Zanpakuto: Zabimaru Bankai: Hihio Zabimaru, Shikai Command: Roar! Zabimaru! Education: Shinou Academy Marital status: single Favorite sport: futsal Renji is one of the most unusual Bleach character, having long crimson hair which is usually kept in high ponytail, and whole upper body tattooed in tribal work. He dresses in normal Shinigami kimono, but he usually wears some kind of headband (it's shown to be rather very expensive glasses or white headband). In terms of personality, Renji is same as any other Shinigami. His personality varies from cocky and eccentric, to being depressed after he's defeated, all the way to being clueless and funny. Although he's carefree and happy character in most of the series, he can be quite serious, especially when it's the matter of life and death situations for either him or people he hold precious. He is shown to have rather complicated relationship with his captain, Kuchiki Byakuya. Renji sees Byakuya as the goal he has to surpass. First time, when Renji was still in the Academy, he encountered Byakuya and felt something chilling about him. In the meantime, Renji became Byakuya's lieutenant, and throughout the series, Renji starts to see Byakuya not only as rival, but also as man he can look up to.
Toushirou Hitsugaya
Birthday: December 20 Zodiac: Sagittarius Height: 133 cm (4'4") Weight: 28 kg (62 lbs) Hair: White Eyes: Turquoise Rank: Captain of Squad 10 Zanpakutou: Hyourinmaru Shikai Command: Souten ni zase, Hyorinmaru! (Reign over the frozen heavens, Hyorinmaru!) Bankai Command: Daiguren Hyorinmaru! Dislikes: The sun and heat Hitsugaya comes from Junrinan, District 1 of Rukongai. There, he lived with an old woman (said to be his grandmother), Momo Hinamori, and possibly other people. Little else is known about his past, but it is known that he became a Shinigami shortly after Hinamori. He is also a friend of Jidanbou, the West Gate Keeper, and was the one who taught him the "city rules." As a child, Hitsugaya was a bit of a brat who liked to eat watermelons and poke fun at Hinamori. She would call him "Shiro-chan" (シロちゃん, "Lil' Shiro" in the English dub) and he would counter by calling her "Bed-wetter Momo." The two were close friends and Hitsugaya, despite being younger and much shorter than his friend, always felt that he needed to protect her. His favorite foods are watermelon and sweet nattō. He also hates hot weather. With Hitsugaya's natural talent, he quickly entered the Shinigami institute shortly after Hinamori, despite his age. She continued to call him "Shiro-chan" out of habit and felt she needed to protect him. Because of a promise she had made, she only began to call him "Hitsugaya-kun" after he had achieved his Zanpakutō's initial release and was recognized as a Shinigami. Highly capable and knowledgeable, he quickly became the youngest of the Captains within the Gotei 13 (Thirteen Court Guard Squads). (Source: Wikipedia; BleachExile)
Shuukurou Tsukishima
Race: Human, Fullbringer Birthday:February 4 Zodiac: Aquarius Height: 198 cm Weight: 73 kg Blood type: B Tsukishima is the former leader of Xcution, an organization created by himself by gathering people with the same goal as him - erasing their own power. He also had found a way to achieve this by passing fullbringers' powers into a shinigami representative. However, at some point of time, due to unknown reasons, he had a change of heart. He betrayed his own comrades, killed this shinigami and everyone who already had passed their powers into him. During Lost Agent arc he's trying to prevent Kurosaki Ichigo from coming closer to Xcution, with its new leader Ginjou Kuugo, by attacking his friends.
Izuru Kira
Date of Birth: March 27th Zodiac Sign: Aries Height: 173 cm (5'8") Weight: 56 kg Izuru Kira was born to a family of lesser nobility, his parents having been dead since he was young. While in the Shinigami Academy, Kira befriended Momo Hinamori, Renji Abarai, and Shūhei Hisagi, and they were often seen spending time together. After graduation, Kira, along with Renji and Momo, was sent to the 5th Division, where he stayed until Gin Ichimaru became Captain of the 3rd Division. Kira is loyal to both his friends and his duties, perhaps to a fault. Despite the close friendship he shares with Momo Hinamori, Kira shows that his loyalty knows no boundaries when he defends his captain while she is in a grief-induced rage from her own Captain's apparent death. Despite this, he calls himself a "monster" afterwards for raising his sword against her. Kira's Zanpakutou is Wabisuke. Its Shikai command is "Raise your head." When activated, Wabisuke's Shikai bends the blade into a square hook. In this form, Wabisuke doubles the weight of whatever it strikes. The ability affects both inanimate objects and living beings. Though a seemingly pointless ability in sword combat, the effect is cumulative. With a second hit from Wabisuke, the weight will double again and so on, exponentially. Thus, after seven or eight blocked attacks, his opponents are unable to lift their own swords. Once Wabisuke's effect becomes noticeable, Kira's opponents often fall to their knees with their heads bent down, as if in apology, thus the name of Kira's Zanpakutou. Source: Bleach official character books I-III
Shinji Hirako
Birthday: May 10 Zodiac: Taurus Height: 176 cm (5'9") Weight: 60 kg Shinji Hirako is the former captain of the 5th Division, preceding his lieutenant Sōsuke Aizen. He distrusted Aizen from the day they met, and thus made him lieutenant so he could keep an eye on him. Because Shinji never socialized with Aizen, however, he was easily deceived by Aizen's actions, culminating to his conversion into a hollow. Shinji's character is somewhat comical, adding a bit of levity to situations that are otherwise serious. He seems to like annoying his associate, Hiyori Sarugaki, which usually earns him a slap from one of her sandals. He also appears to have a history of referring to cute girls he meets as his 'first love', complete with a deadpan look on his face despite the obvious lie (he apparently never did this with Hiyori, further annoying her). An early design of Shinji can be seen in the first chapter's cover art, making it clear he was planned well before his introduction. During several points in the anime, Shinji's outfit is depicted to look like Lupin the III, likely as a homage on the part of the animators. Shinji's hollow mask resembles a pharaoh's mask. Shinji is quite skilled with his hollow powers, using a single cero blast to easily overwhelm Grimmjow Jeagerjaques. The video games also depict him being able to split the cero blasts into a pyramid shaped attack. Shinji's zanpakutō, Sakanade (逆撫) has the power of creating an inverted world. The power is an optical illusion which is caused by the scent the sword gives off upon its release. It inverts an opponent's sense of direction causing the directions of up and down, left and right as well as forward and backward becoming the opposite. It is not just the sense of direction that is changed; the opponent's eyesight and where they get cut is reversed as well. In its sealed form, Sakanade resembles a normal katana with red hilt and sheath whereas upon its release, its hilt becomes a large ring which Shinji places his hand in the middle of allowing him to freely control its movement without physically holding onto it if he so chooses. The ring is attached to a normal sword hilt with a normal rectangular hand guard. The first few inches of the blade are covered by as extension of the hand guard. Sakanade's blade is straight and slim with the tip ending in a slanted razor-like edge instead of being tapered to a point. There are five holes along the swords length. He has a tattoo on his tongue, as seen in episode 142. (Source: Bleach official character book II)
Tetsuzaemon Iba
Iba has a distinctive hair cut and wears black sunglasses with his standard Shinigami uniform. He collects sunglasses, his main source being "Silver Dragonfly Glasses Store," the same shop where fellow lieutenant Renji Abarai purchases his goggles. He also smokes and carries his Zanpakutō as a small blade inside his uniform. He has a large tattoo on his back consisting of a cat on fire and the kanji shōfuku (inviting luck). These features, plus his informal style of speech, are all strongly reminiscent of a typical yakuza. Iba is very loyal to his captain, though in the week after Kaname Tōsen's betrayal he spent a lot of time at the Eleventh Division headquarters in order to give his captain some space. Preceding their fight, Ikkaku mentions that Iba has become cockier since he left the Eleventh Division to become a lieutenant. Iba also seems to have recurring stomach problems, which he notes with shame on a few occasions. He and Ikkaku Madarame seem to have something of a working relationship, though it consists mainly of them dueling, drinking sake, then dueling again to see who has to get more. Not much is known about Iba's Zanpakutō, strength, or general personality. Iba is seen frequently in the company of the other male lieutenants and seated shinigami. He seems to share their pension for perverted things related to the female Shinigami of the Gotei 13. He is also both extremely loyal and decisive, as seen when the Arrancar, Pō sent his captain flying right before unleashing his Zanpakutō, turning into a colossal creature. With his captain briefly sent out of the battlefield, Iba grabbed the injured Ikkaku (his former squad mate) and ran, knowing that even if Ikkaku was in primed shape and the two of them were to take on Pō's released state at the same time, they would never have a chance to survive against someone with immense power to briefly overwhelm a Shinigami captain. His loyalty to both his former and current squads became visible when he refused to abandon Ikkaku just as Pō was about to attack the two of them, ignoring the former's protests and reasoning that Iba has a better chance of surviving Pō's attack if Iba would just let him be; not soon after that when Komamura rise up again to counter the Arrancar's attack, and then telling Iba to not stray by his captain's side, to which Iba immediately complied. Iba seems to enjoy fighting, like the other members of the 11th division, but unlike many of them, puts his loyalty to his division above his desire to fight, and is not above retreating from battle. The macho-ist lieutenant presides himself as president of the Shinigami Men's Association and forces all members to dress like him at meetings, including wearing their uniforms and sunglasses in similar manners to his own. His meetings consistently have him as the butt of the jokes of the Shinigami Women's Association, consistently at odds with their vice-president Nanao Ise on their actions and manners. Iba speaks in Hiroshima dialect, and wants to spread its knowledge more, therefore at some point in the past he started a course on his own expense, but had to close it down in lack of attendance. He currently pens an article in Seireitei Communication's "Guys Corner" titled "The Hiroshima Dialect Seminar Brimming with Macho-ism." His favorite food is okonomiyaki, but only if it is done in Hiroshima style, while he detests the one prepared in Osaka style. Iba was originally from the 11th Division, but transferred to the 7th Division because getting promoted to lieutenant in the 11th Division was more difficult, if not impossible. It is later suggested that he wished to become a lieutenant not out of personal ambition, but to please his mother. As a result, his former compatriots in the 11th Division look down upon him, as they deem the other divisions weaker than they are. In spite of this, he has a habit of hanging around their division's headquarters. Despite having left the 11th Division, it is clear he still enjoys a good fight, and during his duels with Ikkaku reveals a maniac grin much like his sparring partner. Though Iba has been seen infrequently throughout the series, we do know that he will try to do the right thing. He tells a dumb lie to his captain directly before Rukia's execution because he knows Komamura is unsure of the decision, and wants to give him time to decide. Komamura sees right through this, but lets it go, understanding it as an act of compassion. Iba is well-rounded in both swordsmanship and Kidō, only because it made becoming a lieutenant easier. Expert Swordmanship Specialist: Being a former member of the 11th Division, which specializes in combat, Tetsuzaemon is a highly competent swordsman. He is also known to spar with Ikkaku Madarame, another expert swordsman, regularly. Kidō User: Because he was working to become a Lieutenant, Tetsuzaemon also became skilled in Kidō. The name and abilities of Iba's Zanpakutō are unknown, as well as its Shikai command. When sealed, it looks like a tantō, and he usually keeps it inside his Shinigami uniform with the hilt sticking out. Shikai: In its Shikai, Iba's Zanpakutō extends into a falchion or a large bladed scimitar with a pick-like protrusion a short distance below the tip of the sword. The first times he releases in anime series, it is during his fight with Ikkaku and when he attempts to stop Jin Kariya, but the actual releases occur off-screen. He also releases it in the Bleach movie Memories of Nobody in a duel with Ikkaku. In the manga, he hasn't released it until the Fake Karakura Town Arc, when he attacks Allon from behind, but the command and name is still unknown. Bankai: Not Yet Achieved (Source: Bleach Wikia)
Isane Kotetsu
Isane Kotetsu, is the lieutenant of the 4th Division, the medical and supply relief division, in Gotei 13 under Captain Retsu Unohana. Isane is the older sister of Kiyone Kotetsu, one of the two 3rd seats in the 13th Division. Unlike Kiyone, she is generally quiet and observant, though she shares her sister's sense of loyalty. She looks to Unohana as a mentor and mother figure. It is noted by Unohana that Isane suffers from frequent and recurring nightmares. This is sometimes used as material for jokes, as Isane's nightmares are often odd or whimsical in their contents. For example, she once had a nightmare involving fish paste. As a pun, her given name contains the kanji for "brave," while her sister's contained the kanji for "quiet." Isane's zanpakutō is Itegumo (凍雲, lit. Frozen Cloud, Viz: Frozen Snow). Its shikai command is "sprint" (奔れ, hashire?, English "run"). The guard is shaped like a snowflake. When its shikai is activated, two smaller blades protrude from Itegumo's hilt at 45° angles. She has yet to be seen using it in combat, since the one time she activates it she is immediately knocked out by Ichigo.
Maki Ichinose
Maki Ichinose former member of the 11th Division, under the former captain that Kenpachi Zaraki defeated and replaced. History Introduced in the anime's Bount arc, Maki belonged to the 11th Division until Kenpachi Zaraki killed the previous captain in a duel. Maki refused to acknowledge the new captain and left Soul Society, although he retains his shinigami abilities. While in Soul Society, he shared many ideals with Kaname Tōsen. He then traveled the human world, but one day, while in a weakened state in a desert, he fell upon a Hollow who almost killed him. The Hollow was subdued by Jin Kariya, who allowed Maki to kill it. Maki swore his loyalty to Jin after that, breaking the vow only once to fight Zaraki instead of stopping Ichigo and his friends as he was expected to. He helped Kariya and the other Bounts by infiltrating Soul Society and provoking Mayuri Kurotsuchi into helping the Bounts enter. He is severely wounded by Kenpachi Zaraki during their duel, breaking his sword in the process. When he returns to question Kariya's motives and threatens him to help better the Soul Society, he is stabbed and tossed away by Kariya. What's left of his sword is destroyed when it inadvertently saves Ichigo from one of Kariya's lightning attacks, acting as a lightning rod. Despite not belonging or having a Shinigami Rank in Gotei 13, Maki was nearly a captain-level fighter. This is proven when he fights on equal footing with Ichigo Kurosaki or when he crosses swords with Toshiro Hitsugaya; neither him or Maki were able to push each other back. Zanpakuto Nijigasumi (虹が霧), literally "Rainbow Mist." Shikai Command: "Shine brightly, Nijigasumi!" ("Flash and Burst, Nijigasumi!" in English dubs) Shikai Special Ability: Nijigasumi's ability is to control light and create illusions, such as making Maki invisible. It can also use light offensively, creating blades of light to cut an opponent, turning the field completely white and attacking his enemies with shadows, or even fight if the blade is broken while light completely covers it. It can also compress light and use it to crush an opponent in its "Saigyoku Nijigasumi" (Swallowing Orb of Rainbow Mist) form.
Hanatarou Yamada
Occupation: Shinigami 7th Seat of the 4th Division, 14th Advanced Relief Team Leader; temporary convenience store clerk (anime) Birthday: April 1 Height: 153 cm (5' 0¼") Weight: 45 kg (99 lb) Zanpakutou: Hisagomaru Hanatarou is very timid and nervous. His black hair is a bit long and his bangs frame his face. He tends to be clumsy and easily duped. Hanatarou's kind nature and nervousness results him becoming the victim of many bullies and practical jokes. While Hanatarou looks like a wimp, he shows on more than one occasion he is courageous and dedicated to what he believes in. His zanpakuto has the odd ability to heal instead of injure anything it cuts. The accumulation of damage absorbed by his zanpakuto manifests as a red meter running along the length of his sword. When the meter reaches full, his zanpakuto releases all the damage it has absorbed as a destructive beam that is powerful enough to kill even a menos grande, after which his sword shrinks into a scalpel.
Kaname Tousen
Birthday: November 13 Height: 176 cm (5'9") Weight: 61 kg (134 lbs) Kaname Tousen was formerly the Captain of the 9th Division of the Gotei 13. As Captain of the 9th Division, which is charged with the editing of Seireitei Communication, Tousen was the chief editor of the journal. He himself wrote a serialization titled "The Path of Justice", which was not very popular, until he began to publish cooking recipes in his articles, which made them more popular among female Shinigami. This also indicates that his speciality is indeed cooking, his favorite dishes being chicken stewed with carrots and other sophisticated ones. He does not like pickled food. Tousen also has several unique relationships with the Arrancars. Tousen thinks of Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez in the same manner as Kenpachi Zaraki; a killing machine that will cause only more bloodshed in the world. Wonderweiss Margera seems to have a great affection towards him. Tousen explains that this is because they are both pure spirits, and that pure spirits tend to attract and follow each other.
Shigekuni Yamamoto-Genryuusai
Considered to be the strongest Captain in the Gotei 13, Yamamoto is depicted as an old man with a long beard. There are many scars on his torso and head, suggesting numerous battles in his past. He wears the standard Shinigami Captain uniform, but its size is greatly exaggerated. He also drapes his haori over his back instead of actually wearing it. Despite his old age, he has a very muscular body. As the general of Gotei 13, Yamamoto is highly respected by many Shinigami, most notably Komamura Sajin, who views Yamamoto as a benefactor who saved his life. He has a fiery temper, and like fellow Captains Byakuya Kuchiki and Soi Fon, he believes that laws must be executed for the benefit of the community and despises those who break the rules. General Yamamoto founded the Shinigami Academy about 2000 years before the main Bleach storyline. Yamamoto was himself a teacher at this academy, and personally instructed Kyouraku and Ukitake. He admits to being rather proud of Ukitake and Kyouraku. When they became Captains, he "boasted about them as though they were his own sons." It has been revealed that he had ordered Urahara Kisuke to stabilize the Garganta gate so that Captains can pass through, and has sent 4 Captains so far to back up Ichigo's team. Yamamoto's Zanpakutou is Ryuujin Jakka (Flowing Blade like Flame, Viz: Flowing Flame Blade). It is the oldest and most powerful fire-based Zanpakutou, and has greater attack power than all other Zanpakutou in the Soul Society. In sealed form, it is disguised as Yamamoto's staff, which disintegrates into a sword on command. Its Shikai command is "reduce the whole of creation to smoldering ashes." When released, Ryuujin Jakka and the area around Yamamoto is consumed in flame. The sheer power of the flame can disintegrate almost anything the sword is waved at. Only powerful fighters such as Kyouraku and Ukitake can resist it. Even in its Shikai, Ryuujin Jakka's power is enough to fight against two other Captains' Shikai simultaneously. His abilities as a Shinigami are no doubt powerful, as he was able to bring 8th Division Lieutenant Nanao Ise to her knees and immobilize her by looking at her and releasing his spiritual pressure. He was also able to fight on par with two of the most powerful Captains, Shunsui Kyouraku and Jūshirō Ukitake, for a decent period of time without any sign of injury, while they both came away with minor wounds.
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
Race: Arrancar Gender: male Height: 186 cm Weight: 80 kg Affiliation: The Espada Rank: #6 Date of birth: July 31st Zodiac sign: Leo Hole location: Abdomen (腹部) Grimmjow has light blue hair, and his eyes have blue/green lines below them that are similar to the red marks on Ikkaku Madarame's eyes. Grimmjow's attire consists of a white hakama and a black sash, his white jacket is ragged and consists of an upturned collar, with black inner lining, the sleeves are rolled and Grimmjow wears it open; chest revealed. The remains of his jawbone like hollow mask are relegated to his right cheek, and his hollow hole has moved to his abdomen. Grimmjow appears to be a laid back and irreverent individual, but this scruffy appearance hides an impulsive, excessively violent personality and a lethally short temper. Grimmjow is blunt, rude, and quite sadistic, revealing an insane grin in battle, much like Kenpachi Zaraki. Grimmjow has little respect for authority and says whatever is on his mind, regardless of whether or not it is appropriate. This attitude leads to conflicts with Kaname Tōsen, who holds Grimmjow in the same low regard as he did Zaraki. He also has conflicts with Ulquiorra Schiffer, the 4th Espada, usually because Ulquiorra interrupts his fights or doesn't act on his own impulses. He has also developed a grudge against Ichigo Kurosaki for wounding him during their second fight, and is eager to return the favor. He purposefully kept the large scar on his chest from their first battle as a reminder of this. Grimmjow is the sixth Espada in Sōsuke Aizen's army of arrancar, meaning he is ranked sixth in terms of strength. Grimmjow was the first character to be revealed as an Espada in the series. A crooked number 6 is tattooed on his back just above and to the right of his hollow hole. Aizen personally marks the Espada, the ten most powerful of his arrancar, with such tattoos as visible marks of their rank and ability. After Kaname Tōsen cuts off and burns his arm, Grimmjow is demoted and quickly replaced by Luppi, much to his annoyance. After Orihime Inoue heals his arm, he kills Luppi to regain his rank, impaling him on his newly restored arm and then vaporizing Luppi's torso with a cero blast. When his zanpakutō, Pantera (豹王(パンテラ, Spanish for "panther," Japanese for "panther king") is released he regains some of his former feline characteristics such as jagged teeth, feline ears, clawed hands and feet, and a tail that can be used as a powerful whip.This state augments his speed drastically and gives him animal-like agility and movements to match. His roar can create shockwaves in the air, he can also fire a number of largely destructive "darts" from his elbows and create energy claws called Desgarrón (豹王の爪(デスガロン, Spanish for "laceration," Japanese for "panther king's claw") from his fingertips. Grimmjow's character design draws heavily from a character in Tite Kubo's earlier manga, Zombie Powder. The main character of the series, Gamma Akutabi, shares both the bone-like jaw structure and lost arm with Grimmjow, although Gamma wears mechanical prosthetics to cover his disfigurements. Grimmjow's released form makes the resemblance even more apparent. The two have also been identically posed for volume covers. Theme song: "Bomb LA(A Bombs) - Step Inside" from [And Just Constantly Rotating] (Source: Bleach official character books I-III)
Shuuhei Hisagi
Birthday: August 14 Zodiac: Leo Height: 181 cm Weight: 67 kg Rank: Lieutenant of 9th Division Zanpakutō: Kazeshini (Death Wind) Shikai Command: Kare, Kazeshini (Reap, Kazeshini) Shuuhei is an extremely mature and calm individual, a state that is slightly at odds with his somewhat punk-like appearance. He usually takes responsibility, and tends to avoid violence when possible. He seems to be virtuous, much like his Captain's image; until later, when it was revealed his Captain was a traitor. He is often seen in the company of Renji and Kira. Along with Hinamori, Renji and Kira followed Shuuhei as their senpai during their academy days. Omake chapters also show that he is quite perverted. Shuuhei has several tattoos: a number 69 on his face, a Line across his face and has three lines running vertically down the right side of his face, scars that resulted from an injury in the past when several huge hollows attacked a group of students he was leading into the living world for a lesson in fighting dummy hollows. Very little is known about Shuuhei's abilities, though it's known that even during his days in the academy he was quite skilled, commonly leading other shinigami trainees on mock missions. However, Izuru Kira mentions that Shuuhei failed the entrance exam for the academy twice. His talent allowed him to become a seated officer in the Gotei 13 without having to pass additional tests. He has never released his Zanpakuto until his battle with Findor Carias one of Barragans Fraccion. When the Arrancar released his Resureccion, Pinsa Guda, Shuuhei released his Zanpakuto. Its name is Kazeshini with the release command "Reap." Its sealed form is a katana with an octangular tsuba. Apart from being the vice captain of the 9th division, he has to run the Soul Society's newspaper/magazine (Seireitei Communication) as he takes over the chief editor position after his Captain, Tosen, betrayed the Soul Society. Shuuhei was taught by Tosen to fear his power, so he doesn't rely much on his Zanpakuto's power. He is a very skilled swordsman, and is also talented at Kido. One of the spells he is always seen to be using is Binding Spell #62 Hyapporankan (百歩欄干, Hundred Steps Fence). He was first seen using this in the second Bleach movie, The Diamond Dust Rebellion, to try to capture Hitsugaya. In the manga and anime, he also used this spell against Barragan's fraccion, Findor.
Sousuke Aizen
Birthdate: May 29 Zodiac: Gemini Height: 6'1" (186 cm) Weight: 74 kg Rank: Zanpakuto: Kyouka Suigetsu Shikai command: Shatter Aizen is a polite, soft-spoken intellectual, often addressing his subordinates by their given names. He rarely shows any sign of alarm or distress and often has entire situations planned out well in advance. Whenever confronted, Aizen is casual and uncaring, attempting to draw out a conversation and make small talk, which often infuriates the one he is talking to. Aizen initially appeared to be a very kind, well-respected captain and was looked up to by many, especially his Lieutenant Momo Hinamori. (Source: Wikipedia)
Orihime Inoue
Blood type: B Height: 5'2" (157 cm) Weight: 45 kg Birthday: September 3 Zodiac: Virgo Theme Song: "T'en va pas" by Elsa Orihime Inoue has long orange-brown hair which she wears with the bangs behind her ears and hairpins. She does not remove her hairpins, except to sleep (she is seen without them in episode 64 when she wakes up), as they are worn in memory of her brother, while her hair is worn long in honor of the promise Tatsuki Arisawa once made to protect her. Her large breasts are occasionally made the subject of jokes in the series. She also has an amazingly hard head, which has injured Uryū, Chad, and Ichigo. The only person who has been able to damage her head has been Yachiru Kusajishi in a comical moment when she is riding on Kenpachi Zaraki's shoulders. Orihime has yellow-orange/brown eyes in colored pictures of the manga, but gray eyes in the anime. Orihime is friendly, humorous in her own way, sensitive, and kind. She comes off as naive and rather clueless, which is at odds with her exceptionally high marks in school. Apparently, she is hopeless when it comes to technology. One of the members of the Handicrafts' Club remarks that she is not smart enough to use a cell phone, which is why she does not have one. Additionally, according to Tatsuki, Orihime has the fighting skill of a black belt, however, in the English dubbed version she says Orihime is at the skill of a yellow belt. Orihime cooks and eats strange food at home, although she also likes some normal food. Aside from Rangiku Matsumoto and possibly Tessai Tsukabishi, no one shares Orihime's tastes. Her favorite food is red bean paste, and she likes putting butter on sweet potatoes. Orihime has a tendency to rush into situations without thinking, sometimes leading to embarrassing consequences. At one point, the schoolgirls ask Rukia if she has feelings for Ichigo. When Rukia denies any such thing, Orihime is disappointed that Rukia does not share her sentiments, because if she had, then it would be two girls against one boy and therefore the girls "team" would win, which makes no sense. She also tends to have an overactive imagination and gets carried away thinking of implausible scenarios, such as portraying herself as a futuristic and apparently highly destructive robot in an assignment asking "How do you see yourself in the future?" when the question refers to what occupation one wishes or believes they will have. Orihime has also demonstrated that she is perceptive, mostly when it comes to Ichigo Kurosaki. She is in love with Ichigo, and in both the manga and anime, her feelings only become more evident as time goes on. She has revealed these feelings both to Rangiku Matsumoto and to Ichigo himself, though he was asleep at the time. She also has the uncanny ability to detect Ichigo by scent and sense his spiritual pressure, even when masked by the visored. Orihime lives by herself in Karakura Town, where the story takes place, and is supported by relatives living elsewhere. Previously, she had lived with her older brother, Sora, who was fifteen years older than her. She and her brother were raised by a drunk father and an unfaithful mother, who always argued and beat their children. It is unknown if her parents are still alive. When Sora turned eighteen, he ran away with Orihime, who was three years old, and raised her since. For six years, Orihime and Sora lived in harmony despite the fact that Orihime was bullied in school because of her long hair. One day, Sora gave Orihime a pair of hairpins. However, Orihime refused to wear them because she said they were childish. On the same day, Sora was wounded in a car accident and died in the Kurosaki clinic. Orihime has worn the hairpins ever since. A year after Sora died, Orihime met Tatsuki who defended her from the bullies. They have been best friends ever since.
Szayel Aporro Grantz
Birthday: June 22 Zodiac: cancer Height: 185 cm (6'1") Weight: 67 kg Symbolizes: Madness Number: 8 Hole location: glans penis (亀頭) Szayel Aporro Granz is an average-sized arrancar with shoulder-length pink hair and golden eyes. He is Yylfordt Granz's younger brother, although Szayel is much stronger. The remains of his hollow mask take the form of rectangular-framed glasses that give him a scholarly appearance. His arrancar outfit is slightly different from others in that he wears a shorter hakama that exposes a type of sock covering his shins. His shirt is somewhat different from other arrancar as well, as most arrancar have some form of jacket instead. The sleeves are unnecessarily long, covering the majority of his hands, and it has extra seams on the chest area. In his later appearance he also dons a cape. Szayel is the scientist of the Espada, developing various spiritual equipment for use by the arrancar. Using various methods, one of which involves implanting a subject with rokureichū (a data-gathering device), he is able to analyze the spiritual power of an opponent through those that person has defeated. He is also adept at creating devices that can manipulate and suppress spiritual power, as evidenced in his battle with Renji Abarai. Much like Mayuri Kurotsuchi, he is quite sadistic and seems to view others as little more than research material. Szayel is portrayed as a stereotypical intellectual. He is quite fastidious, often having a plan that he follows down to every detail and throws tantrums when they are disrupted. Szayel is also snobbish and condescending, openly or otherwise, to both allies and enemies, especially to entities who aren't hollows. This behavior also extends to his motive for his allegiance to Aizen, as he hopes Aizen will do away with the non-hollows once he becomes the king of Soul Society. Despite his attitude, Szayel is mockingly considerate enough to quiet his followers and remain quiet himself so his opponent can say something. Szayel sometimes acts without Aizen's approval, and while he is very polite to Aizen in person, gestures he makes when his back is turned suggest that he resents him. Like the rest of the Espada, he possesses numerous Fracción, though his are hollows he personally modified and had made into arrancar by Aizen. Two of his notable subordinates are Lumina and Verona, both of whom are round arrancar with bare feet and sparse hair, though Lumina was eaten to heal her master. Szayel seems to show the same lack of care for his creations as Mayuri, using them as fodder in battle. When Verona speaks up against this after Lumina is devoured, Szayel quiets her by saying he'd just "make a new one" later. Szayel first appears when Aizen gathers the Espada to inform them that Hueco Mundo has been invaded by Ichigo Kurosaki, Uryū Ishida, and Yasutora Sado, and, despite the order to stand by idly, Szayel orders out the Exequias, though Aizen doesn't punish him. He later faces Renji, Uryū, Pesche Guatiche and Dondochakka Bilstin, during which his resourcefulness and analyses of his opponents allow him to come out on top. Szayel finally meets his match with the equally cunning Mayuri Kurotsuchi. Kurotsuchi, having observed Szayel's abilities through organism implanted in Uryū's body, counters by replacing his organs with artificial ones, then gains the upper hand by releasing his bankai and having it consume the Espada. Szayel, however, is reborn through Nemu Kurotsuchi via another of his abilities, which allows him to implant himself into his enemies and reform even after death. But unknown to Szayel, Kurotcuchi had earlier created failsafes in the event his daughter's body was ever consumed or invaded. Among these was a drug that vastly augmented Szayel's reaction time and perceptions, to the point where one second seems like a century to him. With his physical body unable to compensate for his over-enhanced mental state, Szayel is effectively paralysed. Kurotsuchi then proceeds to stab him, informing him that, as a result of the drug, the agony of every injury will seem to drag on for a hundred years. (Source: Wikipedia, Bleachasylum)
Tier Harribel
Race: Arrancar Hair: Blonde Eyes: Green Hollow mask: Extending from mouth to mid torso Occupation: Third Espada of Aizen Sousuke's army Fraccion: Apache, Sun-Sun, Mila Rose Martial Status: Single Zanpakuto: Tiburion (Spanish for "Shark" and Japanese for "Imperial Shark Empress") Date of birth: July 25th Zodiac sign: Leo Height: 175 cm (5' 9") Weight: 61 kg Symbolizes: Sacrifice Number: 3 Hole location: lower abdomen-uterus (下腹部-子宫) Tier Harribel, or Tier Hallibel in the English dub, is fictional character from Kubo Tite's Bleach manga and third member of Aizen Sousuke's army, the Espada. Harribel has dark skin, green eyes, blonde eyelashes, and messy short blonde hair which has three braided locks. She wears an oddly-cut variation of the Arrancar jacket that covers the lower part of her face downward, while baring a good portion of the lower half of her breasts; this jacket, unlike that of other Arrancar, is provided with a zipper running along its entire length that is opened from the bottom upwards. Harribel rarely speaks, and when she does, she's fairly serious. Compared to her fellow Espada, who are usually arrogant, boastful, impulsive, battle-hungry, bloodthirsty, and egotistical, Harribel is composed, receptive, analytical, and prefers not to engage in combat; she is content on silently observing both parties until the fighting reaches its conclusion, and actually fights only when she is challenged and attacked by an opponent or commanded to fight by her superiors. (Source: Bleachasylum)
Kuugo Ginjou
Race: Human/Fullbringer Birthday: November 15 Zodiac: Scorpio Height: 187 cm Weight: 90 kg Blood type: AB Role: Leader of Xcution, Theme Song: "Last Man Standing" by Bon Jovi Kuugo Ginjou is the leader of the mysterious organization, Xcution. Kuugo is a calm and cool-headed individual. He is quite manipulative, shown when he attempted to hire Ikumi Unagiya to do a background check on Isshin Kurosaki, intentionally doing so in front of Ichigo in order to get his attention. According to a member of his group, he is a charming individual that apparently talked them into following him. He claims that he carries ramen around with him because he likes it. He appears before Ichigo and influences his decision to regain his powers, hoping that in turn Ichigo will take his own Fullbring away.
Momo Hinamori
Height: 151 cm Birthday: June 3 Weight: 41 kg Hair: Black Eyes: Dark brown Division: 5th Division Song: Momoiro no Hana Hinamori is an upbeat and easygoing girl who gets along with nearly everyone she meets. Hinamori is generally quite trusting, but also very impulsive and naïve. She greatly admires her former captain, Sōsuke Aizen, whom she became a shinigami just to serve under, and Hinamori refuses believing that Aizen intentionally betrayed Soul Society. Her appearance is fairly ordinary compared to other shinigami in Soul Society. She wears her hair up in a bun with a cloth wrapped around it. According to Tite Kubo, Hinamori's name was changed at the last minute; she had a completely different name in the sketch stage. Hinamori grew up in Junrinan, District 1 of Rukongai, along with Tōshirō Hitsugaya. While Hitsugaya tended to be a bit of a brat as a child and insisted that he would protect her, Hinamori found him amusing and treated him in an older sisterly fashion, and the two became close friends, with Hinamori giving him the nickname Shiro-chan (little Shiro in English Anime). When Hinamori entered the shinigami academy, she excelled at kidō. It was there that she met Kira and Renji, who soon became her friends and, later, her fellow lieutenants. They were placed in the 5th Division of the Gotei 13 under Captain Aizen and his lieutenant, Gin Ichimaru. While Kira and Renji would later leave to other Divisions, Hinamori remained in the 5th Division and became the division's lieutenant (through much hard work, as noted by Hitsugaya). Hinamori's zanpakutō is Tobiume (飛梅, lit. flying plum tree). The command for its shikai is "snap" (弾け, hajike?). [Her zanpakuto is a kido type] It's Shi-kai form is like a rod with branches Shikai Special Ability: In this form, Tobiume acts as a focus for Momo's spiritual power, concentrating it into energy bursts capable of cratering floors and breaching walls. Momo can also compress her power into massive energy spheres and toss them from the blade's tip. (Source: Wikipedia)
Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Birthday: March 30 Zodiac sign: Aries Height: 174 cm (5'8½") Weight: 54kg (119 lbs) Occupation: 12th Division Captain, Vice-President of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute Mayuri Kurotsuchi is Captain of the 12th Division in the Gotei 13 and 2nd president of the Shinigami Research Institute. He gained his position after Kisuke Urahara, the former captain and president, was sentenced into exile by Soul Society. His lieutenant is Nemu Kurotsuchi, his artificially-created "daughter." Mayuri's appearance has a very skeletal look to it with a skull-like visage. His fingernails are blue and, with the exception of the fingernail on his right middle finger, are all short. The one long fingernail is as long as the finger itself. In the anime, Mayuri is revealed to have blue hair and yellow eyes when unmasked. He also wears a white hat with two ends that point to his right and a large purple scarf around his neck. He repaints his make-up every morning, as he always removes it before going to bed. Mayuri's left arm can extend out like a grappling hook. Mayuri is able to pull out part of his ear, which is Scythe like weapon attached to his body. He is able to blend himself with the environment with some sort of covering that flakes away once he reveals himself. Mayuri Kurotsuchi is a researcher and personifies the stereotype of the mad scientist. By his early actions during the Ryoka Invasion, he is displayed as one of the most sadistic and cruel Shinigami. He sees everyone and everything not as a living being, but as an object to be researched—including himself. He has little respect or regard for most others, and was even willing to turn his own men (who were not aware of his plans) into human bombs in an attempt to capture Uryū Ishida and Orihime Inoue for experimentation. He also withheld vital information about the Bount from the other Shinigami in order to capture one as a research subject for himself. It is known that Mayuri's favorite food is pike fish, while he does not like onion. One of his free-time activities is reading every character published in Seiretei Communication. He himself publishes a serialization in the journal, titled "Effective Medication for the Brain," which apparently contains detailed instructions on preparation of medicine and their application. Surprisingly it is highly popular among the readers. In battle Mayuri likes to play with his opponent torturing little by little until they can hardly stand. Master Scientist/Inventor: As the head of the Shinigami Research Institute, Mayuri is a talented inventor and scientist, having created a number of devices or techniques to aid him in battle or otherwise. As well Mayuri is a mad scientist embodied, he has no morals or empathy in everyday life and apparently his work is devoid of it as well, he will go to any length he feels is necessary to achieve his goals. He often takes no interest in issues of Soul Society and will rather engage in his research, unless personally requested by the General Yamamoto. Master Strategist: Mayuri has a talent for being well prepared. He takes various precautions before engaging in personal combat with an adversary, usually studying them through his various methods in order to gain a clear advantage. He seems to always have a contingency plan if something doesn't work out the way he expects. Body Modification: It is implied that Mayuri has done extensive research on modifying bodies, and he has upgraded a variety of his own body parts to function as weapons or otherwise provide him with useful abilities. His left arm can extend like a grappling hook, and he is able to pull part of his ear out of his head to form a scythe attached to a rope-like ligament for use as a kusarigama. He can also blend into his environment with the aid of a topical camouflage which flakes away after he reveals himself. More impressively, he has demonstrated the ability to replace functional internal organs with false ones, a feat he performs on himself and his lieutenant to safeguard them from injury. This particular operation is conceived of and carried out in the span of less than an hour. Master Chemist: Mayuri has otherwise been shown to be an adept chemist, manufacturing a drug that can slow down a person's perception of time. It is able to make one second seem like 100 years for the unfortunate victim to whom it is administered. An undiluted dose of the drug causes the senses to speed up trillions of times while the relatively "slow" body fails to keep up, resulting in paralysis; on the other hand, it is implied that a diluted dose of the drug can greatly enhance the user's reaction speed. Mayuri has also developed a "regenerative serum," which can regrow limbs upon injection. Environment Melding Technique: Another one of Mayuri's abilities likely achieved scientifically is his ability to meld with the color and texture of the environment. Zanpaktou: Ashisogi Jizō (疋殺地蔵; Leg-Cutting Jizō): Ksitigarbha is a bodhisattva that watches over children and the underworld. In Japan, where he is known as Jizō, he looks rather like a baby dressed as a Buddhist monk; Mayuri's Zanpakutō has what looks like a giant baby's head on it. Its hilt is wrapped in cloth, and has several spiky protrusions sticking out right below the blade, which appear to resemble leaves. Unlike most Shinigami, his Zanpakutō's sheath hangs directly in front of him, instead of to his side as they are commonly worn. Shikai Shikai Special Ability: Bankai Mayuri's Bankai, Konjiki Ashisogi Jizō Mayuri's Bankai, Konjiki Ashisogi Jizō Bankai Special Ability: (Source: Wikipedia)
Uryuu Ishida
Age: 15 (formerly) – 17 Birthday: November 6 Zodiac: Scorpio Species: Human (Quincy) Height: 171 (formerly) – 177 cm Weight: 55 kg (formerly) – 57 kg Blood type: AB Hair color: black Eye color: blue Occupation: High School Student, Quincy Theme Song: "Idioteque" by Radiohead Artifacts & Weapons: Quincy Bow & Spirit Arrows, Sanrei Glove, Quincy Bangle, Seele Schneider, & Silver Tubes Known relatives: Ryuuken Ishida (father), Souken Ishida (grandfather, deceased), Uryuu is a friend of Ichigo's and one of the last surviving Quincy. Uryuu Ishida is a dark blue-haired, bespectacled teenager of average height. At school, Uryuu wears the school uniform along with a tie, while outside he dons white Quincy clothes with blue stripes representing the Quincy cross, and a mantle. Uryuu is generally shy and quiet, but tries harder to act cool when other people are around. For example, during the Soul Society arc he wears a mantle that serves no purpose other than to make him look cooler, despite the fact that it hinders his movement. He even keeps a spare to that effect. In addition, he also has a tendency to say things with characteristic drama. Uryuu operates on a moral ethic known as the "Pride of the Quincy" and has a strong sense of justice. He has also shown to be very chivalrous, stating that he enacts justice on men who abuse or treat women badly. He demonstrates this at multiple points throughout the series, such as when he tried to defend Rukia Kuchiki from Renji Abarai when he and Byakuya Kuchiki came to the real world to take her, or when he defends Orihime Inoue at multiple points throughout the Soul Society arc. Uryuu also has a tendency to not use lethal force in battle, especially if he can win without doing so. Instead, he will simply incapacitate his opponent. Uryuu does not hold his father, Ryuuken Ishida, in high respect; he calls his father by his given name which is considered very rude in Japanese society. Despite this, in the anime Uryuu seems mildly offended when Rukia commented that the Ishida's hospital (his father being the present director) is falling apart and Renji replies tactlessly that the hospital is only for show. Uryuu has low blood pressure and hates procrastination. The other things he hates are quite odd: buttons (despite being an expert in sewing) and the word "haphazard." His favorite food is homemade mackerel miso stew. The television program he likes is Don Kanonji's "Bura-Rei." The shadow that jumped out of the crowd at Kanonji's first appearance was in fact Uryuu. Like his grandfather, Sōken Ishida, Uryuu is left-handed.
Rukia Kuchiki
Occupation: Shinigami in the 13th Division Birthday: January 14 (Capricorn) Height: 144 cm (4' 8") Weight: 33 kg (72.6 lb) Hair: Black Eyes: Violet/Dark Purple Zanpakutou: Sode no Shirayuki, Shikai Command: Mae (Dance), Sode no Shirayuki Theme Song: "Wing-Stock" by Ashley MacIsaac Rukia and her older sister, Hisana, were brought together to 78th District of Rukongai after they died in the human world. Hisana abandoned Rukia when she was still a baby since she could not continue to support both herself and Rukia. Rukia grew up on her own until she met Renji Abarai and other children her age. They worked together to steal food in order to survive and became a makeshift family. She's a bit of a tomboy to show that she's tough. During this time, Rukia and Renji showed signs of having spiritual power. While they initially opted against becoming shinigami, the death of all their friends prompted Rukia to suggest joining the academy for a better life. At the shinigami academy, Renji was admitted into the top class and Rukia into the second ranked one. Renji and Rukia started growing further apart as Renji got further ahead in his training. The emotional distance continued until Rukia was asked to join the Kuchiki family. Renji expressed happiness for Rukia's opportunity but both did not admit that they disagreed with the arrangement since they would likely never see each other again. Rukia reluctantly joined the family and was immediately inducted into the 13th Division without having to graduate or take a squad entrance exam. Unknown to Rukia, Byakuya had adopted her in order to fulfill the last wish of Hisana, whom he had taken as his wife. In the 13th Division, Rukia was not given a seat position, due to Byakuya Kuchiki's influence, since he did not want her sent on dangerous missions. She became friends with the division lieutenant, Kaien Shiba, who trained and mentored her. Their first training location was Mount Koifushi of Hokutan, the 3rd district of West Rukongai. Rukia greatly admired Kaien's wife, 3rd Seat Miyako Shiba. When Miyako was killed by a hollow, Rukia, Kaien, and the division's captain, Jūshirō Ukitake hunted the hollow down. Kaien faced the hollow alone but the hollow's special ability destroyed his zanpakutō. Rukia attempted to draw her sword and help but was stopped by Ukitake. He told her that Kaien's fight was one of honor rather than a fight for his life. If Rukia helped, Kaien would be saved but his honor would be damaged forever. Meanwhile, the hollow entered Kaien and possessed him. Ukitake faced the hollow but his illness allowed the hollow the opportunity to attack Rukia. Kaien momentarily regained control and thrust himself through Rukia's zanpakutō. He thanked Rukia and Ukitake for letting him fight for his honor and died in Rukia's arms. Rukia brought the corpse to the Shiba family but was afraid to apologize since she felt guilty about her role in Kaien's death. (Source: Wikipedia)
Yoruichi Shihouin
Birthday: January 1 Zodiac sign: Capricorn Height: 156 cm Weight: 42 kg Yoruichi Shihouin is an attractive, dark-skinned woman who can transform into a black cat for long periods of time. She is intelligent and witty, and is intimately knowledgeable of Soul Society and its workings, as she was the former leader of the special forces. Although of noble birth, she acts differently from other nobles. For instance, she instructed Soifon to refer to her without using honorific suffixes. She also transforms into her human form directly in front of Ichigo on several occasions just to see his reaction to seeing her naked. Yoruichi tends to avoid battles, preferring to help after a fight is over, but she will step in if she thinks her side cannot win. She was responsible for training Chad and Orihime prior to their entrance into Soul Society. She also supervised Ichigo Kurosaki's final release training using the methods developed by Kisuke Urahara.
Retsu Unohana
Unohana is a soft-spoken, polite, and caring woman and is the captain of the 4th Division. She uses honorifics when addressing everyone, including her subordinates, and rarely shows panic or distress. She is even polite when angry (for instance, when members of other divisions bully her division), maintaining her smiling demeanor while radiating a dangerous aura that immediately scares others away. She wears the standard shinigami captain uniform, but wears an obi instead of the normal one, and her hair is worn braided over her chest. Presumably the longest serving captain after Kyouraku and Ukitake, Unohana has a presence that tends make everyone around her feel at ease. However, her anger is just as potent as even members of 11th squad become paralyzed with fear whenever they're careless enough to invoke her wrath. In omake chapters and scenes, it is shown that Unohana has a curiosity about convenience stores in the world of the living, and also likes picking racy swimsuits for Isane when she visits the living world.
Mashiro Kuna
Date of birth: April 1st Zodiac sign: Aries Height: 153 cm (5'0") Weight: 44 kg Mashiro Kuna is the former lieutenant of the 9th Division under Kensei. She is a somewhat ditzy girl who is prone to throwing fits for the smallest of things, such as Orihime befriending Hachi or when Kensei insisted on following his subordinates into battle when they were still in the Gotei 13. Her overall style of dress is reminiscent of the costumes worn by the tokusatsu superheroes of late 1970s Japanese television. She often calls Ichigo Berry-tan, a play on Ichigo's name. Fitting with her tokusatsu theme, Mashiro's hollow mask bears a distinct resemblance to an insect's head. She was able to maintain her hollow mask for fifteen hours on her first attempt to control her hollow, meaning she did not have to undergo the same training as the other Visoreds and Ichigo.
Kisuke Urahara
Birthday: December 31 Kisuke Urahara always wears traditional Japanese wooden sandals and a bucket hat, which has earned him the nickname "sandal-hat" (ゲタ帽子, geta-bōshi?, "Mr. Hat-and-Clogs" in the English version). He is generally a laid-back, jovial fellow, although he can be dead serious when the situation warrants it. Despite his carefree attitude, his speech is always polite, though it is sometimes sarcastic. Yoruichi Shihouin notes that he tends to go over the top with whatever he becomes passionate about. He once described himself as a "mere honest, handsome, perverted businessman." During the Bount arc of the anime, when Ganju Shiba calls Urahara an "old man," Urahara replies that he is the same age as Ganju's sister, Kūkaku Shiba. (Source: Wikipedia)
Kensei Muguruma
Appearance: Kensei a tall muscular man with sharp features, short light-gray/silver hair and golden eyes (brown in the anime). He has a 69 tattoo on his chest (the "6" for his last name, "Muguruma", which uses the kanji for "6" in it; the "9" for 9th Division), which the young Shūhei Hisagi saw and later copied by tattooing his face with the same number. During his time as a captain, he wore a standard but customized shihakusho with a rope belt and a sleeveless kimono and haori with black gloves. Currently his attire is a blue and white basketball jersey with green cargo pants as well as black combat boots and orange fingerless gloves. In the manga his shirt is shown slightly differently, as it appears black with a white and orange outline. He has also acquired a series of golden peircings in his time as a vizard, one in his eyebrow and three on his left ear. He bears a small resemblance to Jin Kariya of the Bounts. Personality: Unlike some of the other Vizard, Kensei is portrayed as a much more serious character, often angry at the others for their immaturity. A skilled and respected battlefield commander, he has a rather brutal fighting style quite often blasting his opponents apart. When outside of battle he has a blunt and slightly aggressive attitude, trying to cheer up a tearful Hisagi in a manner reminiscent of an army drill sergeant, though he seems more passive as a Vizard. He is most frequently irritated by his former lieutenant Mashiro Kuna due to her childish airheaded manner, he once noted she had the uncanny ability to aggravate him even when asleep. In the 'Can't Fear your Own World' novels, he is noted for his valour. History: Approximately 100 years ago, Kensei was the captain of the 9th division with Kuna Mashiro serving as his lieutenant, though she easily annoyed him due her childish behavior. During an investigation of mysterious disappearances in Rukongai he fought off a giant Hollow, and saved Shūhei Hisagi in the process, who would eventually become Lieutenant of the 9th division. During the night his entire group was attacked and he was stabbed from behind by Kaname Tōsen. Following this he appeared as a half Hollow and attacked Hiyori Sarugaki and then Shinji Hirako. He was then restrained by Hachi's Kido binding spell. He and the others were eventually saved from turning into Hollows and death by Soul Society, by Kisuke Urahara. They then escaped to earth. Powers: Tachikaze (断地風, lit. Earth-Severing Wind): When sealed, it is shown as a short katana with a rectangular guard in an 'H' shape and white hilt weaving. Shikai: Kensei's Shikai is triggered by the command Blow it away (吹っ飛ばせ, futtobase) in which it shrinks down to the size of a survival/combat knife with a small ring on the hilts blunt edge. Shikai Special Ability: While in this form, Kensei demonstrates the ability to charge and fire spiritual energy from the blade as well as creating a transparent air blade to cut enemies from a distance. He appears to be quite powerful, easily destroying a giant hollow with one blast and blowing off the arm of Ichigo's hollow form. In the video games, his fighting style resembles that of Western Boxing combined with Tachikaze. As a former captain, he also possesses bankai. [b]Hollowfication: [/b] Kensei is unique among the Vizard so far in that he seems to prefer his Shinigami abilities over his Hollow powers. His hollow self is a large bulky humanoid with armored hands and feet and with a number of thick cylindrical protrusions on its back and forearms. Vizard Hollow Mask: His hollow mask resembles a flat hockey face guard with six slitted eye holes in two columns and extensions which frame his head. Source: Bleach Wiki
Birthday: December 30 Kon primarily serves as a comedic foil in the series; when not inhabiting Ichigo's body, his normal plushie body is treated with little respect and much disdain. The humorously cruel treatment he is always subjected to provides the comic relief in Bleach. One of the only people who gives him any respect is Chad; however, Chad ignores him most of the time. His plushie body is a knock-off of the main character of the popular TV show Carnivore Kingdom, named "Ponkichi," which happens to be Chad's favorite show. It was a prize from the shooting game in the Karakura Town Festival. He is constantly stepped on and torn, at which point Ichigo will have Uryū Ishida repair the plushie. Uryū usually adds something unwanted or unnecessary when doing so, such as dressing Kon up like a designer doll. Uryū also sewed a Quincy cross on the back of Kon's head as revenge after Kon attacked Uryū for turning him into a doll. Kon is quite perverted and often takes advantage of his form to get girls to hug him to their chests, which rarely goes as planned. After Ichigo becomes less dependent on Kon to transform, Kon comments on how he wouldn't mind taking Ichigo's body out for a spin again, saying that he'd like go peeping and pulling up skirts because, as he puts it, "It's [Ichigo's] reputation that gets sullied." Kon is very fond of Rukia, calling her "sister," though this extends to basically any pretty girl. Kon is a special type of soul pill called a "modified soul" or "ModSoul." When inserted into a body, an aspect of the body is made superhuman, which in Kon's case is enhanced speed and strength. Because of the shady origins of the ModSoul, the soul society called for the destruction of all ModSoul pills, but luckily, Kon was shipped out with a load of regular soul pills by mistake. This gives rise to his belief that everyone should be given a chance at life and should not be killed merely based on the circumstances of their origins. His name "Kon", which was given to him by Ichigo, comes from the word "Konpaku" within the term "Kaizou Konpaku," the Japanese name for "modified soul." Kon wanted his name to be "Kai" from "Kaizou" because it sounded cooler, with which Ichigo agreed, but at the same time refused to name him that so as to not give him any satisfaction. Theme songs: "Nichiyoubi Dansu" by Kuuki Koudan (Kon Theme #1) and "Bushman" by Rip Slyme (Kon Theme #2)
Lilynette Gingerback
Birthday: January 19 Zodiac sign: capricorn Height: 142 cm (4'8") Weight: 31 kg Symbolizes: loneliness Number: 1 Stark's Fracción is Lilinette, a female arrancar who seems quite mischievous, in that she enjoys waking Stark up in unusual ways: first by shoving her fist in his throat, then by squeezing his testicles. Despite her initially childish behavior, she does seem to show some concern for the ominous occurrences in Hueco Mundo. (Source: Bleach official character book III)
Yachiru Kusajishi
11th Division Vice Captain Born: 12th February (Area 79 North, Kusajishi) Zodiac sign: Aquarius Tall: 109 cm Weight: 20 Fav Food: Konpeitou Fav Song: "Yahoo!" from album sorohe Theme songs: Andre Previn's "Veni, Veni, Venias" (Yachiru Theme #1) and "Izumikawa Sora's Yahoo!" (Yachiru Theme #2) Notes: Yachiru is the shortest member of the Gotei 13. She became a shinigami without having taken the standard exams. She is the current Vice-Captain of the 11th division but her strength and powers thus far are unknown. She is also the president of the shinigami's Womans Society. Habits: Known to bother Kuchiki Byakuya on occasion. Makes fun of Ikkaku's bald head. Gives funny nicknames to people and has a fondness for sweets. She first met Kenpachi as a baby after he had just killed a group of people. She instantly became drawn to him as she later said that it was though Kenpachi had used blood to wash away the dark, hopeless, unforgiving world she lived in. After crawling over to him and seeing that she held no fear of his sword or all the blood around them, Kenpachi gave himself his name, and gave her the name Yachiru after the only person he ever admired. Ever since then, she goes with Kenpachi almost everywhere, riding on his shoulder. She consideres Ichigo, or "Ichi" as she calls him, to be a good friend since he allowed Kenpachi to have a fun time fighting him. Her zanpakuto has yet to be named or drawn at all since Kenpachi attacks anyone who threatens her at all, though the hilt of her sword is shaped like a flower and the bottom of her sword hilt has wheels as she drags her sword behind her wherever she goes instead of wearing it. A running joke is that she has a terrible sense of direction as she's always sending Kenpachi or others down a dead end or away from their intended objective. Though she appears to be completely child-like and happy-go-lucky all the time, she was once shown to have incredible power and rage when a messenger tried to interrupt her as she was watching Kenpachi and Ichigo fight, indicating that her lieutenant position was actually earned.
Byakuya Kuchiki
Occupation: Shinigami Captain of the 6th Division Birthday: January 31 Height: 180 cm (5' 11") Weight: 64 kg (141 lbs) Zanpakutou: Senbonzakura Title: 28th Head of the Kuchiki Clan Known Relatives: Hisana Kuchiki (wife), Rukia Kuchiki (sister), Ginrei Kuchiki (grandfather), Sojun Kuchiki (father) Likes: Chinese bellflowers, night time walks, spicy food Theme Song: "Je Chante Pour Passer le Temps" by Giovanni Mirabassi Byakuya Kuchiki is the captain of the 6th Division in the Gotei 13. His lieutenant is Renji Abarai. He is the 28th head of the noble Kuchiki clan, one of the four noble families in Soul Society. As such, Byakuya acts in an aristocratic manner: he is always quiet and apathetic towards other people. He claims that life in general isn't supposed to be entertaining, and in one of the omake chapters, he even makes up an idea for a game that isn't meant to be amusing. In spite of his icy and regal manner, Byakuya cares for and protects those important to him. Byakuya is popular among the female shinigami of Soul Society, and was voted number one in the "captain we desire to release a photo book for" poll taken by the Shinigami Women's Association. Byakuya wears the standard captain uniform along with a white headpiece called a kenseikan (symbolizing his noble rank as the head of the Kuchiki family) and a white scarf made by the master weaver, Tsujishirō Kuroemon III. The scarf is made from silver-white windflower light silk (ginpaku kazahana no uzuginu) and is a family heirloom handed down through the generations to the head of the Kuchiki family. Little is known about Byakuya's early history, except that he often played tag with Yoruichi Shihouin using flash steps, though he never was able to beat her, a score that upholds to the current time of the series. Byakuya married Hisana, who was then a commoner; therefore, he broke the rules by accepting her into the noble Kuchiki family. Shortly before her death, Hisana asked Byakuya to find and adopt her biological sister, Rukia, whom she had abandoned as a baby. She also made him promise that he would not tell Rukia about her real family, for she believed that by abandoning Rukia when she was younger she was not worthy to be called her sister. One year later, Rukia entered the shinigami academy; shortly after, Byakuya found her and immediately adopted her into the Kuchiki clan. By adopting her Byakuya respected his wife's last wish, but had broken the rules of his clan again. He later swore upon his parents' graves that he would never break the rules again, no matter what. As a result, he, though entirely apathetic on the surface, is actually deeply conflicted with the matter of Rukia's execution: should he intervene, it would require breaking the promise to his parents and the rules again, but should he do nothing he would fail to fulfill the promise he made to Hisana to protect Rukia as his own sister. While it is not clear, it is implied that Byakuya Kuchiki became captain of the 6th division less than 50 years before the main Bleach storyline (shortly before Rukia had entered the Gotei 13). Gin Ichimaru became captain of the 3rd Division at the same time. Byakuya Kuchiki's zanpakutou is Senbonzakura (千本桜, A Thousand Cherry Blossoms). Its shikai is triggered by the command "scatter" (散れ, chire). In its shikai, Senbonzakura's blade scatters into a thousand tiny blades. While the blades are supposedly too small to see normally, they appear as cherry blossoms because of the way the light shines on them. Byakuya can control the blades at will, allowing him to shred opponents at a distance and break through almost any defense. While Byakuya can control the blades with his mind alone, using his hands allows him to do so more effectively, making the blades move almost twice as fast. Byakuya's bankai, named Senbonzakura Kageyoshi (Vibrant Display of the Thousand Cherry Blossoms), is essentially a much larger version of Senbonzakura's shikai. To activate it, Byakuya drops his sword. The sword passes through the ground and two rows of giant blades rise up from the ground behind Byakuya. These then scatter into a million tiny blades. The number of blades is great enough that Byakuya can use them for defense as well as offense. Byakuya's bankai has two extra forms, achieved by arranging the blades in different patterns. They are activated by saying the name of the technique followed by the name of his bankai. The first is "scene of a massacre" (senkei, Viz: "annihilate"), which unites the scattered petals into complete swords that form four rows around Byakuya and his opponent. While Byakuya can control these swords as he does his regular blades, he usually attacks with just one in hand. After immobilizing an opponent, he can call in the other blades to hit them while they're trapped. He can also use all the blades at once for one immensely powerful strike. The second form is "final scene" (shuukei, Viz: "last sight"), which condenses every tiny blade into a single sword to drastically increase its cutting power. The blade appears bright white, earning it the name "white imperial sword" (白帝剣, hakuteiken, Viz: "white emperor sword"). Byakuya also grows pure white wings and a halo-like circle in the back, both made of spiritual power. In the anime, dragon-like beings sprout out of Senbonzakura to create the wings. It is unknown whether these wings are merely a cosmetic effect or if they can be used to fly. (Source: Wikipedia)
Gin Ichimaru
Birthday: September 10 (Virgo) Height: 185 cm (6'1") Weight: 69 kg (152.1 lbs) Zanpakuto: Shinso Gin is fairly ordinary in terms of clothing, aside from the inside of his captain's cloak being a lime green color, and doesn't wear any unique items. His overall appearance, however, is not as normal: his eyes are constantly slitted, he is unusually thin, and he bears unusual silver hair which has a purple tint to it in the anime. He also keeps a wide smile most of the time, which he has only been known to wipe off on rare occasions. As Gin doesn't display any emotion while speaking combined with his use of sarcasm, he is distrusted by many, most notably Toshiro Hitsugaya and Rukia Kuchiki. Rukia once commented on how she felt like snakes were wrapping around her neck whenever Gin spoke. Kaname Tousen notes that Gin has a similar effect on just about everyone when explaining Wonderwice Margera's frightened reaction to Gin. In the anime, Gin speaks with a distinct Kyoto dialect, which is indirect and polite. His English dubbed voice is also formal and polite, but with a rather mocking and facetious undertone. Gin is often nicknamed "Kitsune" (Fox-Faced) from Ichigo. Not much is known about Gin's prior history, except that he once saved 10th Division Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto's life. They have been friends since then. Hence, Matsumoto is one of the few people Gin seems to truly care about. He graduated from Shinigami academy around the same time as Kisuke Urahara became a captain and was immediately given a seated position because he was hailed a genius, graduating in only a year at a very young age, this being the fasted graduation in history. It is also known that Gin served as the lieutenant of 5th Division Captain Sosuke Aizen before becoming captain of the 3rd Division and that he became captain at the same time as Byakuya Kuchiki.
Ulquiorra Cifer
Birthday: December 1 Zodiac: Sagittarius Height: 169 cm (5'7") Weight: 55 kg Ulquiorra is a male arrancar with a melancholic appearance. Ulquiora is the 4th ranked espada. Ulquiorra is also analytical; during his and Yammy's first visit to the human world, he makes several remarks on the humans who confront them. He theorizes that Orihime Inoue's healing power is a temporal-spatial ability, which Aizen describes as the rejection of fate, and comments on how Ichigo Kurosaki's final release can easily get through Yammy's defenses. He also notes Ichigo's power fluctuation, which varies between very weak and stronger than his own. It would appear that Ulquiorra and Grimmjow, the 6th Espada, are not on good terms. While Ulquiorra allowed Yammy to kill anyone he deemed as "trash," which included Ichigo, Ulquiorra allowed him to live based on his belief that Ichigo's power was so turbulent that eventually he would destroy himself. Grimmjow's conflicting viewpoint was that Ichigo should have been destroyed outright, as he could overcome his weakness and grow even stronger. Despite Grimmjow's argument, Aizen trusted Ulquiorra's judgment. This disagreement led to Grimmjow's unauthorized assault on the real world. Though Ulquiorra is of a higher rank than Grimmjow, Grimmjow is confident that Ulquiorra is afraid to fight him for fear of them destroying one another. When released his zanpakutou, Murciélago (Japanese for "giant black-winged demon," Spanish for "bat"), creates two large black wings on his back. His hollow helmet centers atop his head, sporting two large horns, and his arrancar uniform appears more form fitting at the top, becoming robe-like towards the bottom. Additionally, Ulquiorra is apparently unique among the Espada in that he has a second release; Resurrección Segunda Etapa (Spanish for "resurrection second stage"). He becomes more muscular with clawed hands and feet, the whites of his eyes turn black, and his helmet is replaced with elongated horns. He loses his clothes; his arms and legs from the hip down are covered in black fur, and he gains a long thin tail. In both forms he can create long "lances" of energy called Lanza del Relámpago ,ransa deru reranpāgo?, Japanese and Spanish for "lance of the lightning"), and when thrown can cause an explosion. Ulquiorra seems unfamiliar with the technique when he uses it in his second release state, unexpectedly missing Ichigo with his first one, however, to compensate, he can produce more should his first miss the target. Theme song: "Moonshield," on the album "The Jester Race" by the group "In Flames." (Source: Bleach character books I-III)
Jirou Souzousuke Shunsui Kyouraku
Captain of the 8th Division Height: 192 cm Weight: 87 kg Race: Shinigami Birthday: July 11th Zodiac: Cancer Zanpakuto: Katen Kyoukotsu Theme Song: Carlos Gardel's "Por una Cabeza" Kyouraku is a laid back and flamboyant man, evident in his style of dress and general attitude. He wears a straw hat and a pink flowered haori over his captain's uniform. Although his haori and obi sash are cheap, his pinwheel hairpin is very expensive. In his off time, he can be seen drinking sake and napping. Other times, he likes to chase after women, which is noted by Yasochika Iemura of the 4th Squad when commenting in his diary. In particular, he often flirts with his lieutenant, Nanao Ise, whom he calls 'my Nanao-chan' (little Nanao). In one of the omake outtakes he told Rangiku Matsumoto to buy Nanao Ise a sexy outfit while in the human world. Matsumoto brings back a skimpy two piece bathing suit which Nanao refuses to try on. He is close friends with 13th Division Captain Jushiro Ukitake, with whom he graduated from the shinigami academy and works with often. Kyouraku tends to use a more familiar speech style than most other characters in Bleach. He generally refers to his fellow captains and shinigami by their first name followed by an honorific, and is the only character who dispenses with honorifics when addressing General Yamamoto, calling him old Yama (Yama-jī). Even Ukitake, who was also taught by Yamamoto, does not do this. Kyouraku is a peace-loving man who will always try to talk his way out of a fight. However, he does not wish to insult his opponents by not fighting, either, as he explains to Chad. Since he has achieved the rank of captain, it is implied that he must be a powerful fighter, but the true extent of his abilities has not been seen in the series. General Yamamoto states that Kyouraku and Jushiro Ukitake, both of whom he trained himself, possess "greater powers on the battlefield than any younger generation, or old," suggesting that the two are more powerful than any other captains, with the possible exception of Yamamoto himself. The slightly eccentric Kyouraku also seems to like making an impression on opponents. In the Soul Society arc, when Kyouraku confronts Chad who had invaded the 8th division area, he has Nanao Ise scatter rose petals over him to make a dramatic entrance. It creates this effect at first, but when Nanao doesn't stop dropping the petals and Kyouraku begins to exhort her to stop in an embarrassing manner, she dumps the whole basket on him, burying him and ruining his entrance. (Source: Wikipedia; Bleach Official Character Book Souls page 136)
Yammy Llargo
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Kenpachi Zaraki
11th Division Captain Born: 19th November (Area 80 North) Height: 202 cm Weight: 108 kg Hates: Natto Hobbies: Fighting strong opponents Theme Song: "Superpredators" by Massive Attack Note: The only Captain who didn't take the exam to become a Shinigami. Zaraki's surname comes from the district he once resided in, Zaraki, which is district #80 of the North Alley of Rukongai. District #80 is the worst, most lawless region of Rukongai, full of thieves and murderers (whereas area #1 is the most orderly and law-abiding). While residing in District #80, Kenpachi was nameless. During that time, he became proficient in swordsmanship and killed numerous enemies. At some point during his travels outside of District #80, he found a small girl and named her Yachiru (八千流), in remembrance of the only person he ever admired, after she showed no fear of his sword. Yachiru came from area #79, Kusajishi (草鹿), where her parents were murdered. The two events were apparently quite close. On that day, he also took on a name: Kenpachi, the title bestowed upon the strongest swordsman, the one who has killed the most. The two developed a father-daughter-like relationship. Also, at some point (before he became a Captain), he fought and defeated Ikkaku Madarame; for this reason, Ikkaku pledged to serve under Kenpachi from there on out (Ikkaku doesn't actually get the chance to do so until he joins the 11th Division), but Ikkaku would still jump at the chance to fight Kenpachi to the death. After some time had passed, Kenpachi found his way to the Seireitei. He defeated and killed the previous Captain of the 11th Division (whose identity is currently unknown) and gained his seat in the Gotei 13 in this manner. In the anime, his assumption of the Captain's seat caused Maki Ichinose to leave the Soul Society. According to the anime, it is also what convinced Ikkaku and Yumichika to join the Shinigami. (Source: Wikipedia)
Rangiku Matsumoto
Birthday: September 29 Zodiac sign: Libra Height: 172 cm Weight: 57 kg Occupation: Lieutenant of the 10th Division Rangiku is an attractive woman with long, wavy, strawberry-blonde hair (worn short in her youth), icy blue eyes, and a beauty spot to the right of her mouth. Her most distinctive features are her very large breasts, which are even larger than Orihime Inoue's. She also shares Orihime's strange taste in food. She dresses in the garb typical of shinigami, though her robes hang loose enough for her ample bosom to be revealed. She wears a necklace and a pink scarf over her shoulders. In addition, her lieutenant's armband is worn on her uniform's sash, as opposed to around the arm. Rangiku tends to be a slacker who doesn't like paperwork and loves to drink saké. She's not the least bit modest about her appearance, frequently referring or complaining about her large breasts in casual conversation. She even tries to bribe Ichigo Kurosaki into letting her stay at his house using them, though unsuccessfully. Her easy-going and free-spirited personality is in sharp contrast with the serious Hitsugaya, but the two seem to be quite close, regardless. Rangiku is almost constantly by his side and has shown her loyalty to him on several occasions. While she seems somewhat self-centered, she is sensitive to the feelings of others, evident when she sees the concern Hitsugaya has for Momo Hinamori, the guilt Izuru Kira shares with her when Gin Ichimaru is revealed as a traitor, and when Orihime feels depressed about her role in Ichigo Kurosaki's life. Despite her lackadaisical image, she can be extremely serious when needed. She's shown to be somewhat maternal, especially with Orihime and Momo. (Source: Wikipedia, Bleach Official Character Book Souls)
Soi Fon
Birthday: February 11 Zodiac: Aquarius Height: 4' 11" (150 cm) Weight: 38 kg Rank: Captain of Division 2, Commander of the Onmitsukidō (Special Forces; The Punishment Force in the English dub) Zanpakuto: Suzumebachi Shikai Command: Jinteki Shakusetsu Bankai: Jakuho Raikoben Other Abilities: Shunkō (Flash Cry) Soi Fon is staunchly loyal, firm, and unbending in her beliefs. She is a hard worker and takes a strong moral stand—she particularly believes in following orders. She is generally reserved and not arrogant like her lieutenant. She will not hesitate in the slightest to strike down even her subordinates if they stand in her way. Soi Fon, like most female shinigami, is a member of the Shinigami Women's Association. Underneath her standard shinigami captain uniform, Soi Fon wears the special forces leader's uniform, which has no sleeves or covering for the back. The reason the shoulders and the back are exposed is because of Soi Fon's ability to use shunkō (flash cry), an advanced technique that combines hand to hand combat and kidō and causes high spiritual pressure to accumulate at the shoulders and back, blasting away the fabric at the shoulders and back. Her hair is worn short with two long braids covered in cloth. Long ago, she had a close friendship with Yoruichi Shihouin that went beyond the typical leader/subordinate relationship. When Yoruichi left the Soul Society with no explanation, Soi Fon took it as a personal betrayal of her feelings, which gives rise to her intense hatred of anyone who disobeys orders or disturbs the harmony of the Soul Society. She finally comes to terms with her feelings toward Yoruichi during the "Rukia Rescue" arc, and the two becomes friends again soon after. Soi Fon has borderline romantic feelings toward Yoruichi which becomes evident on several occasions such as when she buys some photos of Yoruichi eating voraciously in skimpy clothing. Soi Fon also has a personal dislike for Kisuke Urahara because of his close relationship with Yoruichi. Another person she dislikes is her own lieutenant, Oomaeda, whom she punches quite frequently for his stupidity and cowardice. The correct romanization of her name, as confirmed by Kubo Tite, is Suì-Fēng. (Source: Wikipedia)
Yasutora Sado
Birthday: April 7 Zodiac: Aries Height: 197 cm (6'5") Weight: 112 kg Blood type: A0 Favorite food: tomato Favorite song: "No Song Unheard" by The Hellacopters Chad is a teenager of Mexican descent. He is extremely tall and appears to be much older than he actually is. Chad has a tattoo on his left shoulder which reads Amore e Morte ("love and death" in Italian) and consists of a heart, a snake and angel wings around the heart. In the series, he is usually seen wearing either his school uniform or a t-shirt. At one point in the series, he is seen wearing a dark, long-sleeved shirt with a rose emblazoned on the left sleeve. The rose may be in honor of his grandfather seeing as how his grandfather's name was Oscar Joaquín de la Rosa, de la Rosa being Spanish for "of the Rose." Chad is a quiet person and is sometimes the subject of jokes or bullies because he never fights back, against ordinary humans, or often hollows and Soul Reapers until necessary. Nonetheless, he is treated equally within his group of friends in Karakura (Ichigo, Keigo and Mizuiro). Chad also has a weakness for cute things, like small animals and Kon, and is one of the few characters that actually treats Kon with any dignity but for the most part ignores him. To match his extraordinary size, Chad possesses extraordinary superhuman durability, even before activating his spiritual powers, being able to survive the impact of a falling steel girder on his back and a head-on motorcycle collision, and is strong enough to break telephone poles and wield them as giant clubs, even when already injured. Besides his physical strength, Chad has also shown to be very intelligent; he ranked 10th out of 322 in school, while Ichigo ranked 23rd. Chad likes music, but rarely watches TV. The only programs he likes are Carnivore Kingdom, which starts at 8 a.m. on Sundays. He likes it so much that he bought the DVDs for it. Not surprisingly, since Kon is a cheap knock-off plushie of the main character of Carnivore Kingdom, Chad finds Kon especially cute. The other show is Don Kan'onji's Ghost Bust. Chad also has a bass guitar, but has never been shown playing it. It has been shown in Chad's room in episode 69 and in the 8th anime ending sequence. It's also shown in episode 12 after a "band practice." He is also seen carrying it immediately preceding the appearance of the incomplete arrancar. (Source: Wikipedia)
Jinta Hanakari
Jinta Hanakari is a small, red-haired boy who is supposed to do manual labor for the shop, such as cleaning. Instead he usually slacks off and forces Ururu to do all the work. Though he frequently bullies her, he does care for Ururu as he recovers her body after she is injured by an arrancar. Though he is more knowledgeable than one might expect given his young appearance, he is still childish, calling Renji Abarai a "moocher," and he enjoyed teasing, spitting, and drooling on Ichigo when his Chain of Fate was severed and Ichigo was becoming a hollow in a incapacitated state. Jinta seems to have a crush on Yuzu Kurosaki, calling her "The Goddess" and regarding anything she gives to him as sacred. His primary weapon is an oversized iron rod, similar to a Tetsubo, which he can use to attack. (Source: Wikipedia)
Nelliel Tu Oderschvank
Neliel Tu Oderschvank, commonly known as Nel Tu, is a good-natured, child-like arrancar when first introduced. The remains of her hollow mask make up a cartoonish skull on the top of her head. Nel and her companions believe Soul Reapers, not hollows, to be evil, and as such are afraid of them. In spite of this, she develops an attachment to Ichigo Kurosaki and starts following him around after her introduction. She often mispronounces Ichigo's name as 'Itsygo' due to her lisping, and she is a self-proclaimed masochist. (Source: Wikipedia)
Nnoitra Gilga
Birthday: November 11 Height: 215 cm (7'0½") Weight: 93 kg (205 lbs.) Nnoitra is the fifth Espada, signified by the "5" tattoo on his tongue. He is an extremely tall and lanky arrancar, dwarfing Yasutora Sado by at least a foot (even when leaning over). He has long, black hair and almost always wears a huge smile on his face which reveals his upper teeth. He wears an eyepatch, three bracelets on each wrist, and his arrancar uniform includes an overblown, spoon-like hood, although in the past, it only had a normal collar and his hair was just above shoulder length. The remains of his hollow mask and hole are not visible. Nnoitra seems rude and lecherous, accented by his snake-like eye and his nickname for Orihime Inoue, "pet-sama". He even asks Ulquiorra how far has he gone with Orihime's "training", and Ulquiorra turns away and calls him disgusting. In flashbacks to his time as the 8th Espada, he is shown to be a firm believer of male chauvinism as he constantly tried to see that women who are deemed stronger than men, such as Nel Tu, set to more "appropriate" inferior ranks. Though he initially appears to be very sadistic, he has no desire to kill those he sees as weaklings because it does not help prove that he is the strongest Espada which he is quite concerned in proving. However, he has no problem fighting strong fighters who are injured and exhausted, a trait Ichigo and Grimmjow both berate him for. Despite the fact that he resents females, he is not totally emotionless when it comes to his subordinates. When his subordinate Tesla engages Kenpachi Zaraki he screams for Tesla to get back before Tesla is killed. However, the prospect of a new battle quickly erases this feeling from his mind. His zanpakutō, Santa Teresa, takes the form of a giant ax-like weapon bearing two crescent moon blades fused together at their backs. It is shown via several flashbacks that it used to only have one crescent. When released, Nnoitra gains two additional pairs of arms, and each of his hands gains an identical scythe-like weapon. Nnoitra's wounds heal almost instantly in his released state, and he can also regenerate severed limbs. Nnoitra is drawn to the site of the battle between Ichigo Kurosaki and Grimmjow Jeagerjaques. While he tortures the exhausted Ichigo, his former companion Neliel Tu Oderschvank returns to what is revealed to be her adult form and attacks Nnoitra to protect Ichigo. Though she almost defeats him yet again, her amnesia returns and she is left at his mercy. Kenpachi Zaraki soon arrives to help them, and he and Nnoitra exchange increasingly more devastating blows, each finding great enjoyment in the fact that they can survive one another's attacks and therefore prolong the battle. After a long and destructive battle Nnoitra dies what he believes to be a "warrior's death"; his life ends a split second before his body hits the ground.
Ichigo Kurosaki
Race: Human Birthday: July 15 (Cancer) Age: 15 (beginning); 17 (currently) Height: 174->181 cm Weight: 61->66 kg Known Relatives: Isshin Kurosaki (father), Masaki Kurosaki (mother, deceased), Yuzu Kurosaki (younger sister), Karin Kurosaki (younger sister), Theme Songs: "Number One" by Hazel Fernandes, "News From the Front" by Bad Religion For the most part, Ichigo appears like a normal teenage boy, the one exception to that is his spiky, orange hair, a trait which he has been ridiculed about for years. He is a fairly tall, and lean-built person with peach skin and brown eyes. Since becoming a Shinigami, he has become noticeably more muscular, as noted by his sister Karin. When in his spiritual form, Ichigo wears standard Shinigami attire with the addition of a strap across his chest. When he was young, Ichigo considered his mother to be the center of his world. Ichigo always smiled whenever he was with Masaki and he was regularly at her side, holding her hand. As a teenager, Ichigo's personality is much more complex. Stubborn, short-tempered, occasionally confrontational, determined, outspoken, strong-willed and impulsive, he attempts to maintain a detached and "cool" image, despite claiming to not care about what other people think about him. He generally keeps his face set in a permanent scowl with his eyebrows drawn together. Ichigo carries the burden of the real world and the spirit world (Soul Society), a task quite difficult, especially for a teenager like Ichigo, who has his own worries and problems. Also, Ichigo is quite smart; he was ranked 23rd in his high school. He does this partly to prove to his teachers and classmates that just because he's unique, or somewhat punkish, that he can still succeed. When Ichigo first becomes a Shinigami, his Zanpakutō is a standard-looking katana, but oversized with an equally-oversized brown sheathe hung by a strap over his right shoulder. It has a rectangular bronze hand guard with gently inward-curved edges, a stylized flame pattern on the long sides, and a simple decorative slit on the short ones. The handle is red with two light blue tassels on the end of the handle. The large size is due to the unfocused but immense amount of Ichigo's spiritual power, which he didn't know how to control. As a result, the sword itself was rather weak, since very little spiritual power was used to create it. Nevertheless, it was powerful enough to subdue a Gillian-class Menos and lesser Hollows, completely blocking a Cero from the former. It was even able to upturn the ground with a single strike. Because of its weak spiritual energy nature, Byakuya Kuchiki was able to easily cut off most of the blade during his first encounter with Ichigo and Kisuke Urahara subsequently slices it down to the hilt during their training, forcing Ichigo to learn the name of his Zanpakutō in order to release its true form. This sword is found to be a result of Rukia's deprived spiritual energy and not a result of his own power.
Hiyori Sarugaki
Hiyori Sarugaki is a former lieutenant of the 12th Division under captains Kirio Hikifune and Kisuke Urahara. She viewed Hikifune as a mother figure, and thus initially refused to accept Urahara as her replacement. Hiyori is a tiny, blonde-haired girl with a fierce temper and violent tendencies. Her hair is worn in pigtails and she wears a red jogging outfit decorated with the first kanji of her name (猿 saru, meaning "monkey"). She also has a tiny fang on the left side of her mouth. Hiyori often abuses Shinji Hirako, usually by slapping him with one of her sandals or using him as a human shield when necessary. This behavior dates back to her time as a lieutenant, despite the fact that Shinji outranked her then. Hiyori took the longest to defeat her inner hollow out of all the current Visoreds (excluding Ichigo, who took about the same amount of time), at 69 minutes and 2 seconds. Hiyori's zanpakutō is standard in appearance with her tsuba decorated in small hearts, a contrast to her not-so-girlish personality. She normally wears her sword from her right shoulder, like Ichigo. Her hollow mask looks like that of a normal hollow mask with a large horn and pink like stripes on the top.
Ikkaku Madarame
Birthday: November 9 Height: 182cm (6'0") Weight: 76kg (167 lbs) Zodiac sign: Scorpio Ikkaku Madarame is the 3rd Seat of the 11th Division in the Gotei 13. His captain is Kenpachi Zaraki. In terms of his attitude, Ikkaku is a stereotypical 11th Division member—violent, fight-loving, and rude. This has been noted by Tetsuzaemon Iba, among others. He loves fighting so much that he is unwilling to travel anywhere without a sword, resorting to carrying a wooden one when posing as a student at Ichigo Kurosaki's school; however, Ikkaku does have a sense of loyalty and responsibility unlike many of the lower-ranked 11th Division members and is fiercely loyal to his captain, under whose command he wishes to die. Ikkaku shares many personality traits with his division's captain, Kenpachi Zaraki, which explains why they seem to have so much respect for each another. Ikkaku considers fighting fun, just as his captain does, and tries to get as much fun as he can out of his opponents, so much so that he would take deadly risks to drag out the fight for as long as possible. He also shares Kenpachi's penchant for limiting his skills in order for fights to last longer (with the only difference being the fact that he chooses to do so by restricting the use of his Bankai whereas Kenpachi prefers the use of his power-sealing eye patch given to him by the 12th Division). Like Kenpachi, Ikkaku is seen constantly smiling when engaging in a fight with a formidable opponent. And like all 11th Division members, he considers the only honorable battles to be those that are fought one-on-one. Even the threat of death is not a reason to ignore this fact, as they believe that the winner is only to be determined when the other dies. He does consider surviving an otherwise lost battle good luck, as his captain taught him, and is also sensible enough to carry a blood-clotting ointment in the hilt of his Zanpakutō. Unique to him, though, is a rather wacky quality made famous by his "Lucky Dance."
Jin Kariya
Jin Kariya's original name is Eugene Currier, but he adopts a Japanese-style name later in his life. He has a scar on his chin caused by a slash from a hollow when he was young, short white hair, long upward-curving eyebrows and bright red eyes. He is the most powerful member of the Bount group. In a flashback, it is revealed that Kariya had brown hair and brown eyes when he was a young boy. His hair color and eye color changed when he first merged with his doll. When first introduced, Kariya's goal was to acquire massive numbers of living spirits to increase the power of himself and his followers, most notably through the summoning of the bitto. The techniques used had a 50% chance of ripping open the barrier between the mortal world and Hueco Mundo. This initial plan, however, has been revealed as merely a means to an end. His ultimate goal is not simply to increase his power, but rather to invade and overthrow Soul Society. To accomplish that, Kariya has obtained a device (Jōkaishō) from the Shinigami Research Institute which he claimed would allow him to obliterate Seireitei. However this could also be a means to end his eternal existence. Kariya seems to be very knowledgeable and intelligent as he has great knowledge of Soul Society. He knew who Byakuya Kuchiki, Rukia Kuchiki and Ichigo Kurosaki were before even meeting them. He was aware of the Four Great Noble Houses of Soul Society, and knew of existence of the Jōkaishō in the Shinigami Research Institute in Seireitei. He is also able to speak both German and Japanese. Kariya is revealed to have no emotional attachment to any of his subordinates, as he mentions that he sees them only as pawns to achieve his own ends. Kariya was first created by an experimental error which occurred in Seireitei. Later, in the Bounts' Cave in the real world, he was saved by Rantao from the shinigami who were trying to eliminate the Bounts. Right before Rantao told him to run away while she deals with the shinigami, Rantao gave Kariya his Doll, Messer ("knife", in German). Kariya merged with the doll when fighting Hollows, and since then his attitude changed, and he became determined to destroy Soul Society. Later, Kariya was against proposals to use the Quincy to return to Soul Society to live, thinking the shinigami would use the Bount as servants. He witnessed a war between the Bount and the Quincy, where the shinigami from Soul Society suddenly came and started to massacre the Bount. Kariya was deeply angered by this, and ever since then, he held a strong grudge against the shinigami. He also decided to give up on weak Bounts, forming his plan to gather all the remaining strong Bounts to him to destroy Soul Society. He perfected doll summoning from being hit-or-miss to a method that would sort out the strong Bounts from the weak, with failure resulting in death. In that way, the Bounts that were power-hungry stayed with Kariya. Sometime in his life, he learned that the shinigami were the ones who created the Bount. Knowing that the shinigami created his race just to destroy them, his grudge against the shinigami only became worse. He later married another Bount, Yoshino Sōma, after stopping her from committing suicide, though he never truly loved her. He was merely trying to gather the Bounts from all over the world in order for him to be able to achieve his goal of annihilating the Seireitei. Kariya was close friends with fellow Bount Koga Gō for a long time. At some point, Kariya asked Koga to take care of a young Bount, Cain for him. Koga ended up failing when Cain was killed by his doll. At another point in time, Kariya and Koga saved a shinigami, Maki Ichinose, from a hollow in a desert. Ever since then, Maki became loyal to Kariya.
Pesche Guatiche
Pesche is a fairly harmless, humanoid hollow whose mask resembles an insectoid head with a large pair of mandibles. He wears an eyepatch and a loincloth. His hollow hole is slightly lower than normal, positioned near his stomach instead of his chest. He and Dondo were once Nel Tu's Fracción, but had their masks forcibly removed by Nnoitra and were left for dead with Nel. After realizing that their master had reverted to a defenseless child, he and Dondo pledged to protect Nel by never telling her about her former life. He spent the following time traveling around Hueco Mundo with them. He accidentally accompanies Uryū into Las Noches, having mistaken him for Ichigo. This initially upsets Pesche as he believes Uryū to be the weakest member of the group due to his appearance, while thinking that Chad is the strongest. Pesche possesses an ability he calls "Infinite Slick" (無限の滑走(インフィナイト・スリック), Infinaito Surikku?),[2] in which he sprays his saliva at an object, severely reducing its friction. Though seemingly useless, he is able to render Cirucci's weapon ineffective by coating it in his liquid, and it can be used similarly to make opponents lose their footing or grip on things. The liquid is limited in supply, contrary to its name. Pesche states that he named it as such because "Finite Slick" didn't sound nearly as cool. He can also perform a synchronized cero attack with Dondo. In addition to his powers, he carries an energy sword he calls Ultima (究極(ウルティマ), Urutima?, Spanish for "final," Japanese for "ultimate") which he compares to one of Uryū's Seele Schneiders, humorously drawing it from his loincloth using its vaguely phallic hilt. Source - Wikipedia
Yuzu Kurosaki
Yuzu is Karin's fraternal twin (both were born on May 6 of the same year) and more soft-spoken in comparison to her authoritative sibling. She is also the more empathetic of the two girls. She takes care of the housework, such as cooking meals and tidying up the living space, on a daily basis. She also regularly cuts Ichigo's hair. She likes to play with Kon, calling him "Bostov", unaware of the fact that he's alive, which most often involves her dressing him in feminine clothes and gluing on unwanted accessories, much to his chagrin. Unlike her siblings, Yuzu is only able to see faint outlines of spirits. Both girls help out in the family's clinic. She is Karakura Yellow in Don Kanonji's Karakura Superheroes. She tends to get very upset whenever Ichigo disappears for anything longer than a day. Yuzu is also the name of a citron.
Riruka Dokugamine
Riruka has the appearance of a young girl with long, dark hair that she keeps in two ponytails between which she wears a pale hat. She wears a dark dress and long, dark boots that reach above her knees. Riruka is really hyperactive, tsundere and she gets annoyed pretty much by everybody, especially by the Fullbringers. Her tsundere attitude is always seen: for example, she cares about Orihime but always hides it.
Coyote Starrk
Zanpakutou: Los Lobos (The Wolves) Aspect of Death: Loneliness Birthday: January 19 Height: 187 cm (6'1½") Weight: 77 kg (169 lbs) Starrk is a male arrancar who appears to be very lazy. His shoulder-length hair is dark and parted down the middle. He also has a goatee. The remains of his hollow mask consist of a bottom jaw that is positioned like a necklace. His hollow hole is on his sternum, right below the tip of his mask. When Aizen sends him to reclaim Orihime Inoue, he states he is uncomfortable doing so, though is able to accomplish the task in an instant despite Kenpachi Zaraki's and Ichigo Kurosaki's attempts to stop him. He then appears as 1 of the top 3 Espada in the raid on Karakura town. (Source: Wikipedia)
Gou Koga
Gō Koga (古賀 剛, Koga Gō) is a large and muscular man who resembles a punkish biker with spiky orange hair. Even without using his doll, Koga has impressive physical strength, able to easily overpower Ichigo with just his bare hands. His doll is Dalk, a female metallic doll who can control her molecules and reshape herself at will. According to episode 83, Koga's real name is Claude Gauguin, and he lived in a European country in years past. He has lived for over 12 generations. After a falling out with Kariya over his plan to destroy Soul Society, which Koga found too extreme, Koga attempted to find and stop Kariya himself. He ended up fighting and losing to Tōshirō Hitsugaya instead, as neither he nor Dalk could contend with the extreme cold and long-range nature of Hitsugaya's Zanpakutō. He did not die, however, and was secretly taken by Yoruichi Shihōin to Rantao's home, where he was nursed back to health. Upon discovering that he was the last Bount, he apologized for the actions of his race, and Kariya in particular. He was last seen living with Rantao. No mention is made of Dalk's fate; however, considering that Bount are supposed to die with their dolls, it can be assumed that she either still exists in some form, or that Koga is merely an exception to conventional Bount rules, like Yoshino. Source: Bleach Wiki
Yukio Hans Vorarlberna
Race: Human, Fullbringer Birthday: December 23 Height: 154 cm Weight: 40 kg Blood type: AB Fullbring: Invaders Must Die Yukio is a member of mysterious organization Xcution. He's a calm, quiet, cold-hearted young boy. As a child his parents ignored him, so he stole their money and ran away. They later committed suicide. His powers allow him to seal people inside his video game, wherein he can he can create anything, even control the flow of time. (Source: Bleach Wikia)
Isshin Kurosaki
In the beginning of the series, Isshin is portrayed as a silly, fight-loving father who takes a keen interest in what his children are doing, but does it either offensively or with an all-too-happy tone, which elicits comical reactions from his kids, usually in the form of a kick. Isshin also seems to enjoy making fun of Ichigo and has a tendency to talk to the large memorial poster of his late wife Masaki, which he has pinned up in their kitchen, whenever he feels particularly emotional. Isshin is a big fan of Don Kanonji's TV show. Isshin also shares a relationship with Ryuuken Ishida not unlike that of their sons. When Ryuuken discovers his son is missing, Isshin pays him a visit and the two chat about their respective styles of parenting. It is then revealed that Ryuuken was aware of Isshin's status, and he comments on Isshin's powers. The two have some prior history together, and that they have been acquaintances for quite some time. It can also be noted they both are doctors, Isshin runs a clinic while Ryuuken runs a hospital. There have been hints that the two cooperate on a professional level, with Isshin handling minor cases, and occasionally requesting aid from Ryuuken. (Source: Bleach Wikia, Bleach Official Animation Book VIBEs)
Ryuuken Ishida
Uryuu Ishida's father. He also knows the way of the Quincy and was one of the most powerful but he finds it a waste of time. He has mentioned that while his son has the heart of a Quincy he himself has the power when he is training his son to get back his Quincy powers. He promises to train him but he must give up his friendship with Ichigo. Although he refuses to take put in Quincy activities he shows his distaste for Shinigami. He also reveals that he knew Ichigo's father in the past and in the short clips at the end of the episodes it shows them together, usually ending with Ryuken using his Quincy powers to fire arrows at Isshin after he teases or tries to show pictures of their past. They are both doctors with Ryuken running a hospital and Isshin running a clinic.
Nanao Ise
Nanao Ise is a character in the manga and anime series Bleach. She is the lieutenant of the 8th Division of the Gotei 13, under Captain Shunsui Kyoraku, and vice-president of the Shinigami Women's Association. (Source: Wikipedia) Nanao is very studious and does most of her captains paperwork/other boring duties while he naps and drinks sake. Their relationship is very good, all things considered. As of yet, it is unknown how far she has progressed with her zanpaktou, but Nanao has admitted that she isn't very good at swordplay. However, she is a master at kido (Demon Arts).
Karin Kurosaki
Karin is the cynical and sarcastic daughter of Isshin. Compared to her soft-spoken twin, Karin is the more authoritative of the two. She is an excellent soccer player with a kick powerful enough to fight weak hollows. Karin's tough exterior results from her mother's death; because she could not be useful around the house like Yuzu, she resolved never to cry so that she would not burden her family with her personal troubles. Karin is a sensible person and will not hesitate to kick her father in the head when she thinks he's acting unreasonable. She initially claims that she believes spirits do not exist, yet can see them just as well as Ichigo can. She can also sense them from great distances, which usually manifests as a headache. In spite of her attitude about spirits, Karin is willing to use her abilities to earn a little cash, such as her position as Karakura Red of Don Kanonji's Karakura superheroes. Karin actually knows that Ichigo is a shinigami and wants to know why he's suffering out of concern. Karin is a homonym for Japanese quince, a name of a fruit, which matches Ichigo's name being a homonym for strawberry.
Baraggan Louisenbairn
Race: Arrancar Gender: Male Affiliation: The Espada Rank: #2 Baraggan Louisenbairn is an Arrancar in Sōsuke Aizen's army and the Segunda (2nd) Espada. Prior to this, Baraggan ruled Las Noches as the God-King of Hueco Mundo. Baraggan has the appearance of an elderly man with a white moustache and white hair. His face is lined by large scars in the left side of his chin and across his right eye. Despite his aged appearance, Baraggan is quite stocky and muscular, especially when compared to the other Espada, and when standing (albeit with the slouch of an elderly person) he is of a fair size. He wears a regal white leather coat with black fur lining; he has short sleeves and three black fur stripes running along the bottom. He also wears a golden wrist band on both wrists and a belt which consists of three thick chains attached to a large metal disk with a sun emblem. His overall appearance is like that of a barbarian lord (of Viking origin). The location of his Espada tattoo is unknown as well as the location of his Hollow hole. The remnants of his Hollow mask take the form of a five pointed crown just above his forehead.
Sajin Komamura
Captain of the 7th Division Komamura is the largest normal character in Bleach, being 57 cm taller (288 cm) than his subordinate Jirōbō (the runner-up) and even more physically imposing. The only larger human characters are the Seireitei gatekeepers, who are each roughly thirty feet tall. He is also quite unusual in that he is an anthropomorphic canine; the specific animal is unclear, as he has characteristics of both foxes and wolves. He has been called a "bastard wolf" on occasion by Kenpachi Zaraki, but has red fur like a fox. (Source: Wikipedia)
Masaki Kurosaki
Birthday: June 9 Gender: Female Affiliation: Kurosaki Family Base of Operations: Kurosaki House, Karakura Town Masaki Kurosaki is the mother of Ichigo Kurosaki who was killed trying to protect her son from Grand Fisher. She was a very loving mother and wife. The Grand Fisher used the forms of humans whom he had devoured (mostly women) to attract other humans with high spiritual energy, and Ichigo, who at the time could not distinguish between ghosts and humans, saw Grand Fisher's lure and ran after it. Masaki, realizing this went after Ichigo and protected him from the Grand Fisher at the cost of her own life. According to Ichigo, Masaki was the center of the family and everything that went on with the family revolved around her. Due to this fact, Ichigo's family was greatly devastated by her loss. They visit her grave every year, and that is the only day in the year Isshin smokes. The reason he smokes in front of her grave was because when they had first started dating, Masaki complimented him about how cool he looked while smoking. He also added that was the first and last time she complimented him about his appearance. Isshin hung up a large poster of her in his home, displaying the phrase "Mazaki forever." According to Tatsuki Arisawa, Ichigo stopped crying every time he saw his mother. She claimed Ichigo had the most beautiful mother ever, and took it upon himself for her death. Isshin also thought it was his fault his wife died. He says this the reason being he couldn't get there in time to protect her from the Grand Fisher. When Ichigo asked him why nobody ever blamed him for his mother's death, Isshin explained to him that "he was the man the woman I fell in love with gave her life to save." He also added that when they meet each other again, if he had ever blamed Ichigo, Masaki wouldn't be able to forgive him.
Nemu Kurotsuchi
Nemu is the lieutenant of the 12th Division in the Gotei 13, under captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi. Nemu is the artificially created daughter of Mayuri Kurotsuchi, a combination of his research in artificial bodie and artificial souls. This past has driven her to become rather introverted and melancholic, preferring to stay silent in her captain's presence. Their relationship is far from the average father-daughter one, as Mayuri doesn't seem to care much for Nemu's well-being (using her as bait in combat). The most that can be said in his favor is that he has occasionally implied concern over her life as a point of personal pride in his own skill as her creator. Despite being abused and mistreated in every possible way by her captain and father, Nemu still shows great loyalty to him, and has openly expressed worry at the prospect of his death, likely due to her implied gratitude that Kurotsuchi brought her into the world. Unlike her father, however, she seems to have compassion for others, saving Uryū Ishida's life as a thank you for not killing Mayuri. Based on the 13 squad episode endings and the Bount arc, Nemu's fighting style seems to be a combination of capoeira-like martial arts, and kidō attacks. Nemu's body was designed to withstand fatal injury, though still suffers the pain brought on by her injuries. This extends to being able to survive impregnation by Szayel Aporro Granz, a process meant to bring him back to life while leaving his host as an empty husk. Mayuri can repair Nemu very quickly in these situations, allowing her to continue doing her father's bidding. Nemu is also immune to Mayuri's many poisons. Despite this, she carries around a variety of antidotes to be used as she sees fit. She also holds various poisons and potions derived from Mayuri's research in her own body, making her highly dangerous to those that attack her internally. Nemu does not normally carry a zanpakutō, but she is revealed to have one in an illustration in the artbook "All Colour but the Black." Her zanpakutō takes the form of what appears to be a thin katana.
Ichigo's zanpakutō is named Zangetsu (斬月 lit. cutting moon). The spirit of Zangetsu resembles a 30 to 40 year-old man, and Ichigo calls him "old man" (おっさん ossan) as a result. Zangetsu has also been called the "black-clothed man" (黒衣の男 kokui no otoko). Zangetsu is portrayed as wise and calm in most matters, and fond of testing Ichigo in unusual ways, many of which have a purpose completely contrary to the stated goal. Zangetsu has displayed the ability to temporarily close fatal wounds during combat, though whether or not this is a unique ability is unclear. Unlike most zanpakuto, Zangetsu has no release command. The shikai form of Zangetsu resembles an over sized, though more elegant, cleaver blade without a hilt guard. The sword is as tall as Ichigo is, 1.74 meters, and has a black blade with a silver edge. When not in combat, the cloth extends to cover the rest of the sword and falls away when necessary, shrinking back to a manageable size. The cloth can also be used to swing the weapon like a flail and toss it at opponents, but this is rarely done. The bankai of Zangetsu, named Tensa Zangetsu (天鎖斬月, lit. heavenly chained cutting moon), is considered completely out of the ordinary for any zanpakutō. Unlike most bankai forms, which usually create some sort of massive creature or effect, Ichigo's bankai actually shrinks his sword down to a daitō (Japanese long sword) with a black blade, handguard in the shape of the manji (which is the kanji for "ban," meaning "full"). The cloth wrapped around the hilt is replaced by a short chain with a broken link, similar to that of a plus spirit. In addition to his sword, Ichigo's robe is replaced with a long-sleeved, ankle-length black coat with red lining that is closed at his chest, much like that of Zangetsu himself. Zangetsu's special ability (in either form) is the getsuga tenshō (月牙天衝, lit. moon fang heaven stab, Viz: Moon-Fang Piercer of the Heavens), which fires concentrated energy blasts from the tip of the blade in the shape of a crescent moon. (Source: Wikipedia)
Dondochakka Birstanne
Dondochakka Birstanne is one of Nel Tu's "brothers" and protectors. Like Pesche, he attempts to chase after Nel and Ichigo in Las Noches, but ends up finding Renji instead, who he frequently irritates with his clumsiness and emotional outbursts. Dondochakka has a large, spotted humanoid hollow with a tiki mask and compound eyes. He appears to speak with a yakuza-style accent and is fairly tame in comparison to other hollows. Despite his menacing appearance, he is prone to tear-filled outbursts at the slightest provocation, usually when he's worried about something. As described by Pesche, Dondochakka possesses numerous insect spirits within his stomach. One of these is the worm hollow Bawabawa. He can spit these spirits out at will as allies in combat. In addition, he carries a spiked mace-like weapon inside his stomach. He can also perform a synchronized cero attack with Pesche, called Cero Sincrético. (Source: Bleach Wikia)
Tatsuki Arisawa
Class Number: 3º Birthday: 17th July (Cancer) Blood Type: A0 Height: 155 cm Weight: 41 kg Likes: Military Clothes Dislikes: How her name looks in kanji Favorite Food: Apple Cake Favorite Song: "The Blue Bird No Longer Flies" by Hàl Club: Karate Club Notes: Black belt in karate, has known Ichigo since they were 4 years olds, member of the Delegate of Students Tatsuki is Orihime's best friend and is very protective of her. She seems to have unnatural strength for a girl and is the star of her Karate team. She even won second in a regional tournament, but only because her arm was injured from being hit by a car. Of all of Ichigo's friends, Tatsuki has known him the longest, training together at an after school karate class when they were small. Though Tatsuki eventually becomes able to see ghosts and feel hollows, she never develops any powers of her own. Even though everyone keeps the existence of hollows and their own powers a secret from her, she sometimes catches glimpses of Ichigo in his shinigami unifrom or remembers bits of memory from when she's encountered hollows. During the "Huecco Mundo" arc, her friendship with Ichigo becomes visibly strained when she violently presses him for answers about Orihime's dissapearence and all the strange things she's seen, going so far as to punch him through a glass window when he refuses.
Juushirou Ukitake
Birthday: 21 December Height: 6'1" (187 cm) Weight: 72 kg Rank: Captain of 13th Division Zanpakuto: Sōgyo no Kotowari Shikai command: Naki Kotogotoku Waga Tate to Nare, Ikazuchi Kotogotoku Waga Yaiba to Nare Bankai: Currently unknown Theme song: "Back to Innocence" by Jonathan Cain Ukitake is the captain of the 13 Division in the Gotei 13. He is a sickly looking man with long white hair. He is respected by many, especially by his subordinates, for his honesty, loyalty, and personal sense of justice. He has been close friends with 8th Division captain Kyouraku Shunsui since his youth, about 2000 years or more ago. The two frequently work together. It is implied that, since he has achieved the rank of captain, Ukitake must be a powerful fighter. He is considered to be the one of strongest captains beside Yamamoto, Kyouraku, Unohana, and Aizen. However, he is limited by his illness to fighting only for short periods of time; excessive action triggers fits of bloody coughing (another classic symptom of tuberculosis). The true extent of his abilities has not been seen in the series; however, he and Kyouraku both held their own against General Yamamoto for a prolonged period, and Yamamoto states that Jyuushirou and Shunsui, both of whom he trained himself, possess "greater powers on the battlefield than any younger generation, or old." The ability of his Zanpakuto was finally displayed in the battle against Starrk and Lilynette. When an attack consisting of energy such as a Cero is thrown at him, the left sword of his set absorbs the beam. The cord connecting them transfers the charge between the two blades, with the talismans dangling from it amplifying the velocity of the beam. It is then fired out of the right sword at the same speed or faster than the initial attack.
Kuukaku Shiba
Kūkaku (Born October 1) is an ill-tempered fireworks expert who is particularly known for her ridiculously-themed houses. During the Bount arc of the anime, she states that she is the same age as Kisuke Urahara. She wears a prosthetic right arm in the anime, which is at odds with her scenes in the manga, where she is illustrated with just a stump. She assists Ichigo and company by launching them via her special Kakaku Cannon so they can enter Seireitei. Kūkaku is part of the former noble clan Shiba. Prior to the storyline, a hollow fused with her older brother Kaien, which forced Rukia Kuchiki to kill him. She does not seem to be a shinigami, but she knows high level kidō, and she carries a short-bladed sword on her back. (Source: Wikipedia)
Ururu Tsumugiya
Ururu is a meek, black-haired girl who mostly does manual labor for the shop, as well as assisting Urahara in training Ichigo. She is Karakura Pink in Don Kanoji's superhero team and uses a multi-barreled cannon as her weapon. She seems to respond robotically when injured or when hollows initially appear. Jinta also mentions that she reacts to strange spiritual presences, such as those of arrancar. During such times, Ururu seems to take on a rather simplistic view of right and wrong. She considers those that cause harm (relative to her) as enemies, and believes that enemies must be eliminated. Ururu's meek attitude is somewhat at odds with her fighting ability, which is undefined, but quite high (Urahara vaguely mentions that her fighting ability is at an "anti-shinigami" level). Her leg-strength in particular is far greater than it should be, even when compared to Kon while he's in Ichigo's body. Her combat skills are shown when she gives the arrancar Ilfort Grantz a devastating kick to the head while he is fighting with Renji Abarai, overpowering him to the point that he is forced to release his zanpakutō. In the anime, she also delivers a powerful kick to Sawatari's giant whale doll, Baura. (Source: Wikipedia)